
(read details) what are the best fish for a 20 gallon aquarium

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i have had enough with high maintainance fish and i dont want alot of fish. my mother told me to put two orandas in there and done but i wanted help in choosing the best fish for the aquarium.




  1. You can put 1 oranda in there but not two.  Its not a half bad choice really.

    I'm personally a big fan of gouramis.  They come in a wide varity of bright and beautiful color patterns and are very easy to care for.  Blues, golds, paradise, and pearls are some of the brightest.  Anabantoids make for some easy fish care.  You could house a pair of either type in there no problem.

  2. Three opaline gourami!!!!!!!!  i love these!!!   also, you can get maybe two dwarf frogs, and three or four otos.  but i would definately get the opalines. they are hardy, and beautiful, low maintenance fish... they get about four inches long each... just be sure to get all one gender, or two females for every male, and you wont have any problem. also i have these fish, and i found that they are actually very clean fish too... they eat any uneaten food from the ground, and dont produce too much waste. they eat anything that is given to them without any issues.

  3. i'd say get some guppies, but instead of just saying that, im gonna provide some more info on why you should get them. first of all, they can live in like any water condition, though they provide about 78 degrees normally, the babies (which you will get lots of) prefer 86 degrees to grow faster, and to breed and really set the mood its 82 degrees for the male and female. ok now for the breeding. youve heard of people getting tired of their fish dying in a couple months and them having to go buy new ones. guppies arent like that. guppies are very disease resistant because they originate in south america in small streams or ponds where any water condition is fine for them. they also live a very long time, but depending on how low the temperature is will make their life be a lot longer. i have some guppies that are 2 years old! and if something unfortunate happens say a couple guppies die, they are reproducing so fast, they will replace their unfortunae brothers and sisters. the only very small downside is you may need a couple extra tanks if you want to keep them all. otherwise you can sell them to a local pet store where they will gladly take them in exchange for money, or store credit where you can get free pet supplies to support your guppy breeding "addiction" that it may soon become. guppies are also very colorful. the males tend to have smaller bodies but bigger more colorful tails, as the females have much larger bodies (especially when their pregnant) shorter less colorful tails. definitely keep them, becuase they are the future to guppies that are soon to come. the females give birth to 30-50 guppies, however many are eaten by the parents and other fish. to prevent this you should get aquarium plants. i hope you found this information helpful, and BEST ANSWER PLEASE! i hope you can tell that this answer blew the others out of the water : ) good luck with the guppies i hope you are soon to get, and happy breeding!

  4. Depends on how much money and what type (carnivor/herbivor)

    I suggest if u have at least 100$ to spend, then a nice asian golden arowana or silver arowana for cheaper. Btw small only, big ones are over thousands...

  5. hatchet fish?

  6. I would go with one oranda If you want coldwater

    Or as a later poster said gouramis you could house two in there easily but that is if you have a heater and filter.

    I also really like barbs especially tiger barbs you could have about 6-7 of these guys they are characters! Again only if you have a heater and filter

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