
:( really upset HELP please?

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my pet cat, has got cancer- squamous cell carcinoma

it started on his mouth, which we got surgically removed

3 years later-now it's spread again to his nose

and back to his mouth, its completely disfigured him

he is 14years old. and we cannot get anymore cut

away, as it will leave him without sense of smell and

he wont be able to eat properly.

P.S he sneezes alot because the sores irritate him.

does he still have a decent chance of survival??

and for how long?




  1. Talk to your vet. If the cat can live his life a little longer (QUALITY life) than allow him to do so. If the vet suggests it's time to put him down, please do so. When I was a child, my dog got really sick and I begged my parents not to put him down. It took me a couple months to realize how wrong it was and how badly my dog was suffering.  It's still very upseting when I think about it. I feel so guilty.

    It's hard, but you have to do what's right for them.

  2. I'm really sorry you're going through this but this is a question only your vet can answer. It's also best to consult with the vet about the best time for euthanasia, if you want to go that route. 14 years is a decent innings for a cat but it doesnt make losing that cat any less painful.

  3. cats have a life expectancy of 12-15 years, and since its got cancer and a very old cat, it doesn't have much chance of survival-sorry

  4. We all must die at some point, my friend. Be strong, brave, and understand that our crude matter is nothing. He will go on to a better place, one day.

  5. Sorry to hear about your kitty. oxoxo I will pray for your cats health

  6. It will be horrible for you to do but I would say the best thing for your cat is to put it down. 14 years is a good knock and it sounds like the cat isn't in the best way.

  7. This makes me feel sad for you. Many people would say put him down hes suffering, but life is worth suffering for. Animals know when they are on their way out let nature take its course. Give him the best, and most comfortable life you can until then.

  8. this might seem harsh but read it. Put yourself in your cats position.. yeah you guys love him loads but your poor cat! how would you like it if your owners cut away all your skin so much that if they cut any more off you wouldnt be able to smell? its like something our of the saw movies! and imaging walking past a mirror and seeing yourself... girls worry endlessly about how they look!

    your cats chance of survival... pretty slim and for how long..hard to tell depends how much pain he's in and when his body wants to shut down.

  9. well your cats really old like mine and i think maybe there not a very good chance ove her living but dont get down about it but i say that if she gets any worse then maybe geting her put down is a good thing to do sorry♥•◘○♦♣♠☺☻♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥...

  10. i would put him to sleep, before the pain gets to be too much.

    i am sorry for your loss.

  11. i have had 2 cats both female. both suddenly disappeared one day. your lucky to have your cat for 14 years. i would ask the vet for some kind of medication. otherwise i would have it live with you until his life ends on its own. don't put him to sleep and enjoy the time you have left with him so he can die happy and peacefully.

    i'm sorry about your cat T-T

  12. i feel so sorry for you and the cat!

    awww.. just pray that he is going to be ok and take him to the vert again! @_@ i feel so sorry for you and him

  13. Most cats are Leos it's weird that yours is a cancer.

  14. His chance is survival would probably be all right (with extremely attentive owners, perhaps to the point of having to syringe feed him, worse come to worse).

    However, as a responsible pet owner you have to ask yourself about the /quality/ of his life, not the quantity left. If he's going to suffer (which it sounds like) you might want to consider doing the best thing for him and having him put to sleep.


    I know it's really hard to lose a pet, especially one you've had for a very long time. But as that animal's owner it's your responsibility to do what is best for the cat, not what you want. Talk to your vet. If he says it's best to put the cat to sleep, I'd urge you to take his advice for the sake of the animal you love and care for.

  15. Every living thing dies - 14 is quite old for a cat and you should be glad he had such a good run.

    Does he have a decent chance of survival? In the long run, nothing does - it's a question of when, not if. Your cat is near the end. A more salient question at this point would be whether you want to prolong your cat's suffering, I think.

  16. I personally, would put the cat to sleep.

    As much as it would hurt me, I wouldn't have to wake up everyday to see his sad face fighting for his/her life.

    Just put it to rest. 14 years is a long life for a kitty.

    It's better off to put it to sleep, than to see him/her suffer each day.

  17. Poor cat and I'm sorry for you, my cat had similar but on the outside of his eye, the vet cut the tumour  away but within days it was growing again, I know it is difficult to make this decision but you need to think of the suffering to your cat, I had mine put to sleep, he was 16 and apart from this growth he was completely fit, it broke my heart but I loved him and had to do what was best for him not me, I'm afraid you have to do the same.

    My thoughts are with you.

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