
recomend any horse racing betting systems that has a good strike rate.

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am planning to use a horse racing betting system, can you recommend me a horse racing betting systems that has a good strike rate. Any help would be highly appreciated.




  1. I know one, it is called Mozan Horse Racing Numerology system :.mozan-horse-racing-numerology…

    This system for finding the winners of horse racing is based on the Science of Numbers and is therefore purely scientific. It requires no Astrological knowledge and is workable in any part of the world, having no connection with time, color, or sound. Always reliable, with convincing proofs of winners it can find 80% of the winners of a days races. A necessity for every person interesting in Horse Racing.

    They even write a software which only requires the name of the race, the date, and the names of the runners to then calculate what it thinks (according to Mozan system rules) will be the most probable winner of the race

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