
(repost) Hello, I am 28 weeks preg, & just got released from a 4 day stay at the hospital.?

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I am home on strict bed rest instructed by my Doc. But I have a question for mom's or expecting moms. My doc has informed me that I am 1cm dilated on the outside of my cervix, & for my minor contractions he has prescribed a medication called "terbutaline" I just wanted to know... if there was anyone out there who has went into pre-term labor at 28 weeks? Im very nervous about the possibility of that happening. I want my baby to be healthy! While at the hospital I had to take shots to develop my baby's lungs faster just in case of the worst! Any uplifting or reassuring stories or mishaps?




  1. I had preterm labor threaten both my children.

    With my daughter, I was in and out of the triage. I remember receiving the shots to stop the contractions. I was finally sent home with terbutaline pills. Oh how I hated taking them, they made my heart race. Taking the pills, lots of rest, and drinking lots of water helped. She stayed put till I was 38 weeks.

    As for my son, I rushed to the hospital at 28 weeks with contractions. I was already 3cm. It was so scarey. They didn't give me terbutaline that time. They just told me to stay close to a hospital. I tried my best to stay on bed rest but it's hard when you have a little one to care for. He was born at 36 weeks. He ended up staying in the hospital for 9 days. But he was big and healthy :)

    I wish you luck and positive thoughts. I know it's really tough. I'm at 27 weeks and I'm starting to get the preterm feeling again. If it's any help babys have a high survial rate at 28 weeks and an even better chance at 32 weeks. Gets lots of rest and I hope you feel better.

  2. There's a lady in my pregnancy swimming class who had contractions at 28 weeks and spent time in the hospital like you- she was given a blood pressure medication to make them stop. Well, she's now 34 weeks pregnant and has not had another incident since. She also has gestational diabetes and a big baby in there, and they've decided to give her a c-section at 36 weeks to get the baby out. She's totally healthy and so is the baby.

    So, try to stay calm- a lot of people go through what's happening to you, and most don't end up delivering that early. Even if you did go into pre-term labour, the baby's chances of survival at this stage are 90%.  

  3. I would say ur cramps have stopped and they released u on the understanding u was to bedrest if u was to give birth now it would survive my friend gave birth at 26weeks and her daughter is now almost 3yrs old.Just listen to the doctor relax dont do anything strenuous that will bring on labour try and relax congrats on the pregnancy.

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