
??should toddler's be breast fed??

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Why or why not?

Whst is a god age to wean?

What would be sn extreme age?

Should adopted child be breast fed?

What does breas milk taste like?




  1. The right age to wean is whenever either person involved in the nursing becomes uncomfortable with it or decides that they don't want to do it anymore.  It only becomes 'wrong' when it is forced on either side or when it stands in the way of the child's emotional or physical health.  

    It's great when adoptive parents take the time to nurse their child, if it helps both child & parent to bond in another way.  

    It's been a long time since I tasted breast milk, but if I remember correctly, it was a bit on the sweet side.

  2. Once again, Pippin has said it all  : )

  3.'s gross after a certain age!!! I'm sorry, but that's how I feel!

  4. First, listen to the signals of the baby/toddler. Most infants will indicate when they are ready to be weaned by refusing to nurse, acting distracted or disinterested while nursing, and showing interest in drinking from a cup. One of mine did this at 10 months, the others took longer.

    In the absence of any clear signals from the baby, I think the age of weaning is a very individual decision.  It should be up to the mother, and no one should criticize or second guess her if she wants to continue to breast feed into the second or third year, especially if it's done in private.  No, it's not necessary for nutrition, but it is a wonderful bond between mother and child and a very special kind of relationship that they will never have again.  If she wants to prolong it for a little while, she should go for it.

    That being said, I think by about 2-3 years, most toddlers are ready to stop, and trying to prolong breastfeeding beyond that might lead to problems.

  5. 1. NO!! it hinders their develop as individuals and they shouldn't even be seeing anyone's private parts at this point. toddlers have teeth to consume food, not breastmilk.

    2. 9-12mths old

    3. anything 2+

    4. no

    5. its sweet

  6. if both mom & baby are comfortable, then they should continue breastfeeding.

    AAP says to breastfeed for AT LEAST one year

    WHO (world health organization) says for at LEAST 2 years

    "Scientific research by Katherine A. Dettwyler, PhD shows that 2.5 to 7.0 years of nursing is what our children have been designed to expect (Dettwyler 1995). "

  7. Touchy're going to get a lot of answers on this one.  I personally feel if they are old enough to ask for it, then it's past time.  No one can really give you an answer to that as it is your own personal choice.

  8. 1. If mother and baby still want to breastfeed, then there is no reason to NOT breastfeed a toddler.  While breastmilk is no longer suitable as a complete food for a toddler (he needs solids too), breastmilk remains a healthy food, it provides valuable immunities, and breastfeeding remains a good source of bonding/comfort.

    2.  Whenever mother and child wish to. (Preferably after 12 months, but if it must be earlier, that's ok too.)

    3.  Any time after mother and/or baby wish to stop.  In western society it would be VERYunsual to breastfeed much past 4-5 ... but in other societies children older than this DO breastfeed, and there is no harm.

    4.  If possible/feasible, yes.  (Most women can make some milk, but it's not usually possible to make enough milk to breastfeed exclusively, esp. if mom had never been pregnant.  So only the mother herself can decide if the effort needed to establish milk production [and to teach baby to nurse if adopted after the newborn period] is worth it to her.

    5.  Like very sweet milk.

    EDIT:  BTW, the claim that the 'worldwide average age of weaning is 4.2 years' is a myth -- it's a statement that has been floating around for decades, but has NO basis in fact.  (It's possible that it was based on a small study of 'natural' societies back in the 1930's and 1940's, but is no-where  near 'world wide' -- and would be meaningless in the 21st century.  Frankly, given that most babies in western societies aren't breastfed at all, or are breastfed for only a few weeks/months, the 'average' would probably work out to around 6 months ... but that doesn't mean that 6 months is 'right.')

  9. What does it taste like?! Ask a 6 month year old how would we know?! Anything over a year is extream, when the child can take it's first steps and speak its first coherent words it bye bye to nipple time. Adopted childeren can be breast fed  but often they wont take to the nipple on account of the fact that they have not been breast fed thus far. An extream age? How bout when they child can say "Hey mom hows the milk flowing today?" Thats kind of extream.

  10. NO, because they no longer need breastmilk after the age of one and it just looks vvrong having a 2yr + child sucking on your boob. You should vvean them at a year old and they should be drinking vvhole milk out of a sippy cup. If people think its vvrong for them to have a bottle at 2 then its just as vvrong for them to still be breast fed.

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