
*sigh* don't judge me, but what is a...?

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i hear so many people use that word, and conservative...

i feel like a N00B when i hear it.

please, someone give me a subtle definition of the two words liberal and conservative?




  1. Dont worry about being confused! The meaning behind the word has changed throughout the years and actually means something different now then when the country first started. The definition of liberal is essentially a paradox. Also people tend to use it a perjorative (bad word) on certain types of people and it mostly depends on the context.

    You can be liberal with your money which just means generous or not bound by authority. But I think you mean within politics in the U.S. Liberalism in othe countries mean other things as well.

    There is classical liberalism which is defined as the philosophy advocating individual freedom and social progress. Individual liberty was the most important goal. All of our founding fathers who rejected the idea of a monarchy or fedual system that rewarded those of a certain standing or birth instead of their accomplishments or capabilities were liberals. The were opposed to a welfare state or regulation from the government because the only true freedom was from coercion or interference. These were the same guys tired of new taxes.

    But the word has changed into a division of right-wing v.s. left-wing that defines the views a little bit more narrowly. Modern liberals tend to believe the government has the responsibility to in promoting the equality and welfare of the people. They believe that individuals will only be truly free  when citizens are educated, healthy, and free from dire poverty. And there are even bigger differences in social liberalism and economic liberalism.

    There are also stereotypes of liberals being tree-huggers, socialists, granola eating  naive hippies that want to send the country into a bigger defecit as they tend to support social welfare programs. Of course there is also the flip side to the stereotype that conservatives are all racist, Christian, intolerant rich white men who only want to protect their money. This just means to take what people believe in the other side with a grain of salt.

  2. liberals like saving the planet, and don't like war or republicans.

    conservatives tend to like george bush.

  3. Here is a cookie cutter answer, there are obviously going to be gray areas, but these are the basics...

    CONSERVATIVES - believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense.  Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.

    Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

    LIBERALS - believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, and that it is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights.  Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.  Believe that people are basically good.

    Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve people's problems.

  4. Liberal: People who want to change current conditions. i.e. some of them are for taking away the right to bear arms.

    Conservative: Don't want change of conditions/traditions.

    *Ahem* Anna. Not all conservatives favor George Bush. Don't be so stereotypical.

  5. cinergy gave the correct answer for the current definition.

    However, it is true that the meaning of the word has changed over the years.

    ALSO...most people now use the words as "labels" or "epithets" against people they don't like.  The use of the terms in the perjorative way is extremely destructive to our society.  It has now become a way to demonize those with whom one disagrees.

    SAD but true.

  6. liberal = democrat

    conservative = republican

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