
( silly question ) would it be safe to drink the water collected from a dehumidifier?

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( silly question ) would it be safe to drink the water collected from a dehumidifier?




  1. ( silly answer ) - Yes

  2. You must not drink it as it will contain a lot of contamination, it will quite possibly give you food poisoning as it has harmful bacteria, to drink it, it would need to be purified first.    Air handling systems can become breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and other sources of biological contaminants and can then distribute these contaminants through the home." (The Inside Story-A Guide to Indoor Air Quality published April 1995 by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency). HVAC system components can act as direct or indirect sources of particles and/or volatile organic chemicals (VOC's). Of greatest concern is biological growth and bioaerosol generation, most of which are potential allergens. Airborne allergens in the home constitute one of the hardest types of allergens to avoid. Unfortunately, heating and air conditioning systems are excellent harbors for molds, and with vents in every room this same system is an efficient distribution system.

  3. i very much doubt it no.

  4. Umm... no...  I don't think it is safe to l**k an A.C. filter either.

  5. I don't see why not. It's only condensation, which should mean it's fairly pure but don't take my word for it.

    If it were me, I would be inclined to boil it first, just to be sure.

  6. If you have been cleaning it to prevent the build-up of Legionnaires bacteria, then it should be OK.

  7. EEWW!! Gross!! Other people's lung-vapour!!!

  8. I would imagine that water from a dehumidifier would be perfectly alright for a steam iron and even a car battery but, bearing in mind that there are other gases floating about in the athmosphere that when cooled could become liquid, I don`t think it would be a good idea The same would apply to water from a defrosted fridge or freezer,

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