
{snakes} can i breed a younger snake with a older snake?

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hello can i breed a younger snake with an older snake??? how big do snakes have to be to mate? how old do snakes have to be to breed? where can i buy a incubator?????? help...




  1. as long as the female is at least two years and the male 1.5,  do not be in a hurry though, snakes bred at a young age can have difficulties, becoming egg bound, also breeding is very demanding on the female, once the eggs are laid her body weight decreases dramatically, if she was only small to start with, then you may have problems getting her back in peak condition, also breeding snakes at to young an age, often leads to poor quality young. there are incubators on the market, these are around the £100 pound mark, its much cheaper to make your own, if you have a spare viv you can use that providing you have some sort of thermostat to control the temperature, i use a polystyrene box with a heat mat placed on the wall inside, and a dimming thermostat, cost, about £50 max, best of luck|!

  2. it depends how young or old it is the diff of age and the mother should keep the eggs warm herself but if you really need it look on ebay

  3. You can. The female snake should be adult - fully grown and healthy, the male can be younger, but, depending on the type of snake, he should still be at least 1.5 to 2 years old and at least 2/3 his adult size.

    You could buy an incubator online, from either reptile specialty places or somewhere like ebay.

  4. its moe down to size of the snakes tha age but generally for a female maybe over 3 years and a male 2 years old. difference in age shouldnt really matter. hope this helps

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