
some of strangest phobias

by dude  |  11 years ago

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The most natural thing in this world is afraid of something. All persons more or less feel some repulsion or rejection of certain objects, situations or animals. Feel that kind of fear or anxiety excessively is called phobia. Some of the most common insects can be, to open or closed spaces, or to fly to the heights, but these are not all.
can some one tell me about these...................

 Tags: phobias, Strangest



  1. Samuel Peregrine

    They fear the colors

    The word "chrome" means color, hence the Chromophobia is the fear of them. exists people who feel an inexplicable fear of seeing certain colors in things. People who are frightened by the black Melanophobia suffer. Those who fear the white: red is leucofobia and erythrophobia. Do not have cause for this phobia, but experts argue that it can be a traumatic experience with the tone.

    Frightening to some body parts

    Would you have had people giving you a lot of fear when it touches any part of the body? For such people have a phobia. When it comes to the navel (own or someone else) is called omfalofobia the quirofobia has to do with the hands and knees genofobia if it were to treat the chin is called geniofobia. Such conditions can be treated through therapy specialists.

    Fear one of the pleasures of life

    Almost the entire population longs for the time you get to bed in order to rest all day. For people suffering from somnifobia, think exactly the opposite. These people are terrified of falling asleep. The main fear is developed at the prospect of never wake up, that's why they avoid sleep. Only do it when fatigue overcomes them.

    The poems also produce scary!

    Would you be touched in some literary event of court? Then there are people who are afraid of all this seems very rare. These people suffer from metrofobia which is the fear of poetry. This means you can not be present when one of these is recited because they cause a lot of anxiety which fail to properly understand the meaning and message of poetry.


    Have you ever seen in a public place or a place that people of a certain age, avoid at all costs to young people? This, in the catalog of phobias, also has a name. This is the efebofobia and that is: stay away from young people. Many older people tend to go for fear of being ridiculed or likely disrespect.

    The scariest part

    Although it may seem a little strange, there are people who fear the paper. Yes, this material that deals daily in thousands of submissions. Some people can not live with this and it causes much fear. There are various forms: from the dry paper, wrinkled, wet, or until the texture or the sound it produces. This type of phobia is called papirofobia.

    Fear of long words

    There is a fear that is a bit paradoxical. It is the fear of long words that are in their writing. The irony of all this is the name of phobia: hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia. Surely simply pronounce the sufferer leaves him with a terrible anxiety attack. The best thing for these people probably will say they have a phobia of long words, do not you think?

    What peanut shells?

    Strange as it may seem, there are people who are afraid of peanut shells. This type of phobia is known as araquibutirofobia worldwide and although there is little amount of people who have it already has a name and classification. So if you know someone who has this condition, it is best to offer peanuts that are perfectly peeled.

    Consecotaleofobia What sound?

    This name refers to the fear of chopsticks, and even if it seems very rare, also exist . It states that people experience cravings and unexplained panic when trying to touch them. The origin of this type of phobia can be a generalized rejection of oriental culture. When something foreign, is also associated with xenophobia that is the rejection of people of other nationalities.

    The phobia 666

    One of the most feared figures is 666. This has all cargo and the relationship is awarded with respect to the devil. Then there are also people who have an inexplicable fear of looking at this figure. The scientific name that has this fear is known as: hexakosioihexekontahexafobia. People who have it are terrified to see this number.

  2. Finn Joseph

    Fear? Fear?

    So as you read. There are some people with fobofobia or fear of fear. Such people usually worry end and are afraid of the possibility of thinking that can give them afraid to perform some activity . People with this phobia often accompany panic attacks for no apparent reason or paralyzed.

    The favorite phobia: At Work!

    Surely it occur to you that sometimes you want to go to work. This is a completely natural behavior on anyone. But some people in his mind there is this fear to work for many reasons, such as: do not accept them in a company , that too, they do bad tire, among others. This type of phobia is classified and, although uncommon, is known as ergofobia.

    Fear of names!

    Strange as it may seem, there are some people that do not support certain names. That means onomatofobia suffering. There exists a rule specific to explain what the sharp sounds the person are not supported. What is a fact is that there are times that are terrified to hear certain words. Currently there are some cases of people who can not bear to hear her name spoken by someone else, weird do not you think?

    A mirror

    In this world there are people who are extremely superstitious. exists a belief that if someone breaks a mirror will be condemned to seven years of bad luck. Hence the eisoptrofobia be born which is afraid of mirrors. People who have this fear argues that the fear they feel about this material is that could break them and condemn bad luck. Other people simply are terrified because they do not like their appearance.

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