
<span title=".............................................ADDICTED?">............................</span>

by  |  earlier

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i stopped drinking coffee because of different reasons but, the next week i had like MASSIVE cobwebs in my head. like it felt like i had mental blocks 24/7. today i had a cup and i feel really happy because their gone(the cobwebs) so is this bad or something?!?!




  1. Giving yourself a lot of caffeinated support like that, and then taking it away would definitely cause withdrawal symptoms.

    My dad used to drink 40 cups of coffee every day while he was in college and had some other things going on.. and when he decided to drop the addiction, there was a massive drop in mental function.

    You need to regain your mental capacities by regular standards. Exercise your brain with Sudokus, listening to music and other things. Your brain was getting used to all of the extra stimulation, and it probably lost a little &#039;muscle&#039; in the process.

    It&#039;s like... a totally healthy person riding in a wheelchair for a week and then trying to walk.

    You&#039;ll get back on your &#039;feet&#039;, but you&#039;ll need to work at it.

    Good luck!

  2. You were addicted to the caffeine. You must have consumed too much on a regular basis and your body got use to having it and couldn&#039;t function without it.

    Try just a little each day until you can do without it. Instead of coffee which has 85mg per drink try maybe green tea which has only 30mg per drink. It is better for you anyhow.

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