
<span title="????????????????????????????????????????">?????????????????????????...</span>

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Ok I'm 14 and going into 8th grade because my mom held me back in kinder garden so i have no friends my age, anyway i want to know what is normal for 14 year olds, what kind of trouble have u gotten in???? fun/ crazy things to do?.




  1. when i was in 8th grade i stole my report card cuz i thought i had bad grades. turned out they werent to bad but i still got grounded for it =/

  2. Don&#039;t listen to any of the people that have posted stuff about doing s*x and everthing. They&#039;re stupid, and you don&#039;t want to be like them. And you say that your not trying to get into trouble now, but listening to all of this will get the idea in your head. Ignore all the stuff ppl post, and just do what you want to do. There is no set-normal things that 14-year-olds do. It&#039;s just what you want to do. Trust me&lt;33


  3. I assume you do not want to do drugs, s*x, drinking. The things I do with my best friend that could get us in lots of trouble are putting veggies, toothpaste, fruit, etc in the road so cars will squash it, Putting underwear on trees at school, Having egg fights on the sidewalk, and climbing the dirt piles at a construction site.

  4. go to the  mall or park and just kick it go to parties. walk around. ive gotten in trouble wit drugs,s*x, sneaking out nd cops, fighting nd other stuff i should say. but it depends if yu and yer friends are goodie goodies er not.

  5. I&#039;m a good girl too. I avoid trouble as much as possible. Plus, why would I admit to doing anything bad (like illegal bad??) It&#039;s an interesting question. Saoirse Breaks hearts made me laugh so hard with that answer. (I realized I did do a couple of those things, maybe I am bad. ooh.) Yeah, don&#039;t do anything you can go to jail for. I don&#039;t suggest running from or swearing at the cops. You might get arrested. That doesn&#039;t sound fun at all.

  6. why are you trying to get in to trouble?..thats stupid.

    but if your looking to get in to trouble then why dont you go a party..get really drunk. do some drugs..and then have s*x with some random guy..dont use protection...get prego...that is about the most trouble you could get in to and that sounds pretty crazy to me. good luck.

  7. well i havent got into big enough troulbe that id get sent to juvi but

    i have egged a few houses on my street and got in trouble by the police and have them come over to my house and talk to me and my friend. also i have tpeed this girl i dont like front yard but nothing to serious and not a serious mess.

  8. Things a 14 year old should do if they want to get in trouble:

    1) Go have s*x

    2) Go smoke pot

    3) Go do heroin

    4) Go do meth

    5) Have some ecstasy

    6) Go suck face with random guys/chicks on the street

    7) Go drink a whole bottle of vodka

    8) Go to a party with no parents chaperoning

    9) Drink beer

    10) Drink any alcohol in general

    11) Smoke a pack of cigarettes

    12) Get pregnant/ Get a girl pregnant

    13) Make out with your neighbor while naked in a swimming pool

    14) Walk around the house nude when relatives are visiting (unless you are a nudist)

    15) Flip off everyone in your family

    16) Cuss at your parent&#039;s faces

    17) Spit on your parents

    18) Hit your parents

    19) Kick your parents

    20) Hit your parents with a baseball bat

    21) Pee on the floor

    22) Pee on your parents bed linens

    23) Go to the bathroom any where other than the toilet

    24) Kill your family pet

    25) Flood the bathroom

    26) Plug the kitchen sink and leave the faucet running

    27) Use the family car/Crash the family car/Drive drunk in the family car

    28) Rape someone

    29) Murder someone

    30) Commit suicide

  9. LOL this question was made for me!

    kay this is some stuff me and ma friends do lol

    go to heuge field partys

    get smashed

    do weed

    grind on some guy at a party

    key random cars

    play nickey nickey nine doors

    go into random peoples backyards and jump on their trampoline and swim in their pool

    break into cars

    break into peoples houses

    steal some stuff

    walk around reallyrreally late at night (past curfew) and try to avoid the cops for as long as possible

    go out at night and try to make people think your hammered (lmfao this is so funny)

    sneak out

    steal signs from stores

    steal stuff of peoples front lawns and put it on someone elses lawn a couple houses down

    skip school

    go to school high/trashed

    pierce something yourself

    spray paint your name/a symbal/your initials on buildings

    whenever the cops drive by yell **** THE PO-LICE cause coppers ********* :D

    go to a store and have shopping cart races (sit in the cart and someone pushes you)

    get kicked out of a store

    try to buy alcohol

    egg peoples houses

    prank call people ALOT

    give random people alota attitude ahah pissing people off is fun

    lmfao omg thats alot

    kay well thats all i can think of right now

    ohgod im gonna get so many thumbs down for this

    but oh well :D

    have fun rofl

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