
<span title="America...China...Russia...which">America...China...Russia....</span> one WINS?

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OK ...plzz elaborate n make it penetrate my thick skull what am i to present the whole class on the topic..''defense, security, finance...which country is the best amidst america, china, russia..????




  1. america...which coutnry is rising the fastest? china.

  2. Yes China is moving up faster than t he USA.  But it is playing a massive game of catch-up.  Have any of you been to China?  The economy is going great do the government&#039;s heavy handed systems of control. And sure you can say any or all governments control their economies to some degree.  But China is doing it in such a was as to &quot;hack-off&quot; a lot of countries.  Check the EU and USA complaints in the WTO.  The currency manipulation. etc...

    USA is stagnating - the people dont seem to care and have no real concept of what is going on. (similar to the Chinese in that respect) The government seems to be focusing on the stupidest things that have no real meaning.  A few years ago it was g*y marriage. The country is at war... economy is ok... education systems is c**p, the heavy dependence on oil... pollution... but hey g*y marriage is much more important!

    Russia.  Oil and weapons.  Seems to be kind of a broken country that is just barely making a comeback. Notice that is one of the few countries that have a NEGATIVE growth rating.

  3. China ...America is broke and are military is weak...AMERICA IS ON IT&#039;S WAY TO A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!  Make sure we still have are American Idol though...WAKE UP AMERICA!

  4. CANADA!!!!

  5. None, Iran will win.Because they&#039;ll fight one another over Iran.

  6. Canada.  They have always had the good sense to stay out of trouble.  They invest their money in natural resources all over the world.  They don&#039;t war with their neighbors, mind their own business and don&#039;t have a sick need to fix the world that is on a suicide mission.  Internally, they don&#039;t have the crime and divorce problems we have in the states.  I give them a star for knowing how to live.

  7. there is nothing to win

  8. china, they have a booming economy and are on the way to becoming a world superpower.

  9. Well the US dominates in defense and China doesn&#039;t come close. They get all there weapons from Russian which also is lagging behind the US.  US is pretty much funding China to possibly become a superpower.  US still has a ridiculous amount of wealth and if the economy went into depression it would take the world economy with it. Since countries like China,Japan,etc hold a bunch of US money  they are tied to the US economy.Russia is dependent on its energy sector and defense. So its really on shaky ground. So  US comes out on top.Plus you add that US has bases in over 100 countries from Uk all the way to Japan and counting.

  10. DEFENCE:

    America.  Hands down.


    America.  The US&#039;s border issues are nothing compared to those of Russia and China and the police and federal agencies can concentrate on defending the country, rather than cencoring the internet and driving tanks into protestors.


    America.  This recession stuff is bogus, the GDP is higher than that of the entire EU and the economy is steadily rising.

  11. Knock, Knock Skull and grasp this. On Finance America can out power the world as long as they keep s******g the America people and stay in bed with the Federal Reserve so they have unlimited spending power. Congress has the power to mint our own money but they get a FAT CHECK from the Federal reserve to do nothing. On Defense in a ground war China would rule, but if it went nuclear it wouldn&#039;t matter. Security, please. We don&#039;t have security now. People are getting tasered by police for driving without a license or having a hearing problem. Try not paying the IRS and see what security is. Security that we all can have is knowledge to learn how to defeat the beast the best we can and vote for Ron Paul for President which is the only candidate who wants to go back running our once great country by the Constitution.

  12. amerika

  13. very simple - look at Britain.

    It won two WW and what?

    It&#039;s not a superpower anymore.

    The same is here: whoever will stay aside - wins

  14. Win.... WHAT?... that is like that idiot Bush bragging about winning the non existant war on terror... and my question is winning WHAT.

    If a knockdown conflict, CHINA would come out on top... AmeriKa is broke... that is why the USSR is coming back, because they know that BUSH has financially destroyed the economy in the U.S.

    AmeriKans had better start getting accustomed to being a poor THIRD in the world.  China will pass AmeriKa as a world power within the next 5 years... Russia has almost a much OIL as in the Middle East and has recovered from their financial collapse that caused the end of the cold war.

    AmeriKa is no longer number one... but the arrogant AmeriKans haven&#039;t figured it out yet... they will... but they are in such denial they can&#039;t admit it... yet.!

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