
<span title="Blog...............................?">Blog........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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hi !

ive just made a blog.

pls comment on it(in the blog itself)

thanks. the webpage is




  1. sure no problem.  

    Can you check out my blog and comment on what you like and dislike.

  2. It&#039;s a nice poem and sorry you lost your dog... as for the blog itself, you might want to dress it up a bit! It looks very plain. You can choose a new template within Blogspot by clicking on the Layout tab, and then click on &quot;Pick a New Template&quot;.

    Templates can also be tweaked under Fonts and Colors, and you can Edit HTML if you know how to make your changes.


  3. That&#039;s really sweet.  Sorry about your dog.

    You are a wonderful poet!

  4. Death Princess,

    That is so sad with the death of a pet

    he or she is someone you won&#039;t forget

    My heartfelt sympathy

    pets are part of the family

    The fun you two had was is a pleasure

    the memories now you will treasure

  5. I loved the poem I&#039;m so sorry about your dog.:(

    The blog is nice.

    Check out my blog at:

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