
<span title="Boners......................................?">Boners......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Should I get boners from the following....

1. Holding hands

2. Kissing

3. Making out

Just wondering, because I do. And its a little awkward, but its normal right?

You gotta love puberty right?




  1. I&#039;d be quite worried if you didn&#039;t get them when doing any of those things.

    Listen mate it&#039;s normal, it&#039;s natural and it will go in time.

    You just have to trust yourself, they will eventually become less frequent.  

  2. It&#039;s called &quot;anticipation&quot;,which energises all the right parts of you.

    Ask ur GF if she wants to borrow it for a while lol

  3. all boys get boners from kissing and making out if you get one just by hold hands maybe it&#039;s cause you like her and can&#039;t wait to make out

  4. All of them.

    It&#039;s normal if a male gets boners from all of them.

    Some males get some of the following you listed or sometimes none.

  5. tottallly normal

  6. All of the above - and then some!

    Puberty is like sitting in a rocking chair - a lotta action but you aint going nowhere!

  7. Yes those actions would certainly bring you to the effect you describe , and in teen years you don&#039;t even have to be doing anything to have that tell tale bulge in your pants

    Just enjoy it whilst you can  

  8. My boyfriend gets them when we are making out. Once in a while he will get one when he is kissing. Hes never got one when we were holding hands. But, every guy is different.  

  9. During puberty expect to get boners from anything at anytime

  10. It&#039;s perfectly natural, sure it is a little unexpected or embarrassing for others 2 see. There is perfectly good reason for it. &gt;.0

  11. if you do, its totally normal. if you don&#039;t you&#039;re totally normal.

    it really depends on you. if you are aroused then you&#039;ll pop one. if not, you won&#039;t.

    good luck with it all.

  12. Yeah, it&#039;s normal to get boners from doing that kinda stuff.  It&#039;s also normal to get them from thinking about doing that kinda stuff.  Go enjoy being a kid - just keep it to the kid stuff for now, ok?

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