ok..i'm 13. I need braces on my top and bottom teeth. My parents are still in denial that i actually DO need them because they don't want to pay $5,000 for them . Money is tight right now. I really want them before school(sep. 2) . I live in Midland, Michigan. We don't have insurance so can i like deal with the ortho so we can get a discount?. My bff's mom is the ortho but says she can't get me a deal because i'm not family?>>!....please find me a cheap ortho that will do a good job on my teeth in Midland, Michigan. Like Davis and Davis..but they are 5,000..just please...help me be able to get braces...please help dentists,orthos, and one with braces or had them in the past..just please help me find a good deal!..andhelp mee think of a way to start the convo with my mom about them...THANKS!