
<span title="Chihuahua......................?">Chihuahua...................</span>

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found a 2 week old Chihuahua and i have no idea on how to care for it. please help. i need every detail from how to set up its bed to what to feed it to what kind of environment to keep it in. thanks for all your help.




  1. First off I would contact a vet, the puppy will need checked over, and they will be able to give you information on how to feed it correctly etc.

    Also put up missing dog posters somebody might of lost the pup.

    Puppy&#039;s cannot regulate their own body temperature until they are about 3 weeks old, keep the pup off cold floors and away from drafts the ideal room temperature should be between 80-85 Degrees, if you find it difficult to get this temperature a hot water bottle or heat lamps are good. A animal carrier or box with towels would be sufficient, also put a stuffed toy inside , as it does not have litter mates. Puppy&#039;s usually cannot control their own body waste until they are 4 weeks old use a warm moist wash cloth or cotton wool ball stroke the genital and anal area gently before you feed the pup and after, if they cannot go try in an hour it&#039;s also handy to have some wipes to catch what comes out.

    A well feed pups tummy should be round but not bloated. To feed use puppy milk replacement in a bottle, preferably get a vet or deferment store to give you a bottle that is designed for nursing puppy&#039;s, if you cannot get one use a human bottle make sure it is heated to the proper temperature and use a premature nipple. The puppy will have to be feed at least 6 times a day. Once the puppy is 3-4 weeks gruel can be given which is puppy food soaked in warm water, at 4-5 weeks you can give warm puppy canned puppy food+fourmula, with a meat based baby food, mixed with fourmula 4-5times a day. To bathe use warm water but not too warm with puppy or mild baby shampoo, do not use flea poweder as it can be harmful for puppys, make sure the puppy is completley fry afterwards this can be done with a towel or hair dryer on a low setting.

    I really do reccomend you see a vet to see that the little one is healthy and free of fleas etc. It can be a big task to look after a puppy pherhaps research if there are any shelters who will take in the puppy and care for it, if you cannot find any there might be a person in your area who has experience rasing orphaned puppys.

    Good luck I hope all goes well.

  2. bless you

  3. You should rely on specialised center for found animals, there are people who know what to do.

    To care for such small chihuahua puppy is really risky!  

  4. Find some very soft and thick blankets, lay them out on top of each other and fold in the sides forming a circle. Find a cardboard box ( or a baby&#039;s play pen ) , put the &quot;blanket bed&quot; inside the box, or pen with maybe a toy or two The quieter the environment the better. But put he/she where you can still watch him/her. Your local vet would probably be your best option, but in case you can&#039;t get to one get some kind of nursing bottle to feed the pup with. Some Food supply stores should carry liquid puppy formula. buy a few cans of that and follow the directions on the back. Like the mother dog probably would, set one of the bottles near the outside , set it up like the mother dog would be laying there, so the pup can eat when it&#039;s hungry. If he/she doesn&#039;t eat within 24hrs, you might want to try feeding it by hand with a dropper or baby bottle. I hope I helped and I wish you all the best!

  5. You need to take the puppy to the vet for a check-up. The vet should answer all of your questions and give you some good advice. A good room set up would be a small room or area that is warm. Pile a bunch of blankets on the floor so the puppy can snuggle in the warmth. Have a plastic lid on the floor with newspaper on top so the puppy can do its business (as long as you clean the lid 3 times a day the pup should go on the paper). Have a bowl of water and a small dish of mashed up food. Since the dog is only 2 weeks you need to soak the dog food and mash it up. Since the puppy is really young, try not to move it around that much and don&#039;t have visitors until it is 6 weeks old because it should still be with its mom at this time. If you have any other questions contact your vet because they always give you the best advice.

    Good Luck!

  6. keep the puppy warm.  also the puppy needs food so you should get some kind of puppy formula instead of having &quot;mother&#039;s milk&quot;.  as the puppy gets older(before 8 weeks) keep the puppy on newspaper(for accidents) and confined to a room with an x-pen(playpen for dogs), baby gates, or doors.  also get a crate.  

    a puppy that young should be seen by a vet to make sure everything is ok.  good luck.

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