
<span title="Co-sleepers/breastfeeders?">Co-sleepers/breastfeeders...</span>

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i co-sleep with my son who is 17 months old. my fiance didn't want to but agreed to it because it was much easier. i love co-sleeping with him and i said i probably would transfer him to his toddler bed when he was done nursing. well... he's not done nursing yet but he's only nurses once a day. i know weaning is coming up soon:(But the thing is, i am terrified of putting him in his own room. my room is much too small for any other type of bed at all. i am afraid he will get up in the middle of the night and get into something and hurt himself or i am afraid there might be a fire or something and i won't be able to get him out. i won't force him out of my bed BTW- he is becoming restless sleeping with us as he hates being hot and if i get too close to him he wakes up from being hot. his room also has a guest bed in it and i will be pulling his bed up to that and sleeping that way for about a week and then moving across the room and sleeping that way for about a week. Anyway, how do i get over my fears and did anyone else have the same fears?




  1. My 10 week old is has been sleeping with me and my husband in between us for a few weeks since it was easier when he spat the dummy as well as settling. He is now back in a bassinet which I keep in my room next to my bed. He will be going into his crib soon and I too am freaked about putting him in a seperate room.

    Put a baby monitor next to your bed and listen to him. You need to make sure he can go to sleep on his own. If he is reliant on falling asleep with you with him then it will be really hard to get him to settle.

  2. I coslept with my youngest, as i was single and nursing... but i moved him into his own bed at about 4 mos, when was mobile.  I was terrified he would roll out of bed.  So i put him in a crib in my room for a couple of months, and then he went into big bros room.  I kept my older son in bed by baby gating the door, and putting up all of his toys, so that there was nothing fun to play with if he got out.  I started leaving the doors in the house open, when i went to bed, so that i could hear him if he got up (we live in a small apartment).  My question to co sleepers who have partners, how is your s*x life? i can&#039;t imagine still sharing a bed with my kids.  My bed is mine and my fiancess place to be adults.  No kiddos allowed. (if either one wakes up in the middle of the night, they are allowed in bed to snuggle for a bit, and then its right back to their own bed to sleep.)

  3. i never co -slept with my son - but did room share - him in a crib -

    i too have the same worries about him being in a room alone -

    WE moved him to his own room at less than 6 months as he was such a noisy sleeper - but with the re-assurance of a decent monitor i was able to trust that he would be ok.

    As you LO will be able to get up and about himself - i might suggest a toddler bed with a side bar (safety bar) on the side - this may deter him from getting out. - and a good night-light to help him negotiate if he did escape the bad!

    Other than that - try to have a little as possible in his room for baby to &#039;get into&#039; . and a babygate on the door to the room to prevent him wandering out of his room.

  4. Oh my gosh, I hear ya.....

    My daughter just turned 21 months old, and we still co-sleep.

    However, for her second birthday she is getting a toddler bed. I&#039;m a little uneasy about it, mostly because I *love* having her in bed with me. But, Daddy will be coming home from overseas a few months after her birthday, and she probably needs to be in her own bed before then. Not because Daddy wouldn&#039;t allow her in bed (we co-slept when he was at home, too) but because our daughter has gotten used to it just being mommy and her in bed. Last May, my husband had a 4 day leave, and it seriously weirded her out to have someone else in bed...LOL.

    Luckily, I have room for the toddler bed in my room. Like you, I am just not ready for her to have her own room. But if I didn&#039;t, I would do it the exact same way you are. Nothings wrong with crashing in his room for a few weeks. Also, although he&#039;s older, a set of baby monitors might ease your fears. That way, you would be able to hear him at all times. He also might just take to his room right away....which will definitely  make you feel better about the situation.

  5. oh yeah i had those fears also. it was a big deal for me when i was ready to move her out of our room . she lspet in our bed until a year . wrong but yeah .

    even though we live in a very safe suburb i still had bad thoughts , mine wasnt fire but that somebody might come accross during the night and steal her out of the bed or somebody might come trhough her window and get and i wont wake up. but i learned to overcome them . but as for her getting into something i would childproof her room and if you sleep upstairs get a gate on top of the stairse her  and leave both rooms open . well i have a monitor but i still leave both rooms open. take it one day at a time and you will be fine .

      I only took her out at first cause i was prego and our bed was too little for 4 people but it as time for her to get out also . she ws getting to the point where she didnt even want me to touch her dad . not even a kiss.what!

  6. Yes I had the same fears and my Daughter is still with me at over 6 years ha ha. My husband has to sleep in a separate room anyways because of his snoring, kicking, and punching in his sleep and sometimes he sleepwalks. So for us it works out. I don&#039;t have to worry. If she gets sick in the middle of the night I am right there for her or fire or any emergency I can grab her and go.  

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