
<span title="Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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How much coffee does it take to stain your teeth?




  1. Shouldn&#039;t happen if you brush as often as recommended

  2. Every time you drink coffee, you are getting little bit of stain on your teeth. Look at a coffee cup, do you see the stain on the cup? So that is about the same amount of time it takes to stain your teeth; buy some tartar control toothpaste to help get rid of the coffee stain.

  3. Not quite sure. I would imagin alot. To get your teeth white again could brush w/ a whitening toothpaste, peroxide, or baking powder...

  4. My dentist told me that everyone&#039;s teeth are different.  For some people it takes a lot- they could drink pots every day and not experience staining. . .but for others they might experience staining early on in their life with very little coffee intake.

  5. It really depends on how you teeth are.  For example I drink a lot of coffee.  And I don&#039;t get stains on my teeth.  My dentist said it was probably because I might have strong teeth.

  6. It&#039;s takes surprizing little to stain teeth.  if you&#039;re talking about iced coffee drink it through a straw, that helps some.

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