
<span title="Condensation,Evaporation,Centrifugation,Filtration,Prisipitication">Condensation,Evaporation,...</span> ( Chemistry)?

by Guest60796  |  earlier

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I have given a assignment on condensation

Please answer these Questions,

Name the techinque and the princple invouled during sepration?(Question)

1)Chalk Powder And Common Salt

2)Common Salt from its impure sample

3)Common salt from sea water

4)Cream from Milk

5)Gases of the Air

6)oil and water

7)ammonium chloride and common salt

8)kersone and petrol

9)dyes present in black ink.

Please answer my Question

Thanks. =D




  1. 1)Chalk Powder And Common Salt

    dissolve the salt &amp; filter out the chalk

    2)Common Salt from its impure sample

    use a solvent, then evaporate off the solvent

    3)Common salt from sea water

    evaporate the water off

    4)Cream from Milk


    5)Gases of the Air

    cool them to condense them , then warm them up slowly &amp; evaporate off one at a time (distil)

    6)oil and water

    use a sepatory funnel

    7)ammonium chloride and common salt

    heat the mix &amp; NH4Cl will evap off as NH3 &amp; HCl ,

    8)kersone and petrol


    9)dyes present in black ink.

    paper chromatography

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