
<span title="Dogs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Dogs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I need some help finding a dog. I have an 11 year old and a six year old. My daughter is willing to walk the dog. She treats animals with much respect. My son on the other tries to be nice but he ends up bothering them. I (the Mom) work almost every night from 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. sometimes more. My husband(the Dad) works 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. for 2 days and then the other way around for two more days, and the four days off. We sleep most of the time until noon. That is basically our work schedule. Our daughter promised she would walk the dog when ever it needed to be walked unless she was at school or at gymnastics. She always keeps her word. I was wondering if you could give me some dog breeds( like maybe 5 ) to help us. Thanks.




  1. For young kids like that, and with your work schedule, I would suggest one of the bigger, more tolerant dogs - especially with your son. You know, Golden retrievers, Labs.. Beagles, maybe. I would really not suggest anything smaller than a Beagle since many sources will say small dogs and kids don&#039;t really.. mix well.

    ..and I&#039;m really biased towards larger dogs.

  2. Youo can&#039;t think that your 11 yr old will be responsible for the dog.  Once the big thrill wears off and it will, you will either be walking the dog or finding the dog a new home.  Puppies take a lot of work.  They will certainly be crying while th kids are in school and you are sleeping till noon.  Who is going to take the dog out mid day?  You might be better off going to a shelter and getting an adult dog who is already trained.

  3. Miniature Schnauzer. They do not shed, but need clipping. If your daughter does take care of the MS then she is the one the MS will take to. A MS will love the family, but has one they take to and love the most.

  4. Check out your local shelter. I wouldn&#039;t get a puppy, as they need an incredible amount of time, attention, and devotion. If you go to some of your local shelters I&#039;m sure it would be very easy to find a dog that suits your lifestyle and is also the size you want.

    It might be worth looking at

  5. I don&#039;t think a small to Medium will be suitable in your circumstances; and I would recommend a labrador - they are very good natured and too big to be carried by children which is a good thing.

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