
<span title="Earthquake,Hailstones,Storms!">Earthquake,Hailstones,Sto...</span> Does anyone still think that Brown hasn't cut a deal with Emperor Ming?

by Guest64415  |  earlier

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Not a single one of these catastrophes has hit Scotland or Wales!

Not only does that Pratt,Brown discriminate against the English in Prescription Charges,Eye Treatment,and Taxes.BUT He is in league with Emissaries of a foreign power to devastate England( The Planet Mungo!)

Isn't one of his Glasgow mates called Ming?




  1. &quot;Scotland the Brave&quot; has suffered enough in the  past. The present state of &quot;grace&quot; (including the export of unwanted politicians to Westminster) is a just compensation.

    ps O Sassenach, watch it with the thumbs down, each one might bring another quake.

    pps did you know that in Chinese mythology, the Earth is criss crossed by &quot;Dragons&quot;, if you step on their tail, or eye, they make the ground quake.  -   I am a Metal Dragon born of the Earth - and Cymru bears a dragon on it&#039;s banner - just watch our tails ye Sais.

  2. Actually it did hit Wales HARD.  Once again you are being racist against other nationalities.  You can be sure if I for instance had ordered up this storm I would have directed it to a very specific place in the world, not hit all of the innocent people in England, but then, i&#039;m not God, neither is Brown.  I still pay for my prescriptions etc.  I&#039;ve told you before to stop being so racist, so why do you persist?

    Angel...noticed you had posted a similar question, but for some reason was blocked from answering you (I wonder why?).  Anyways...ditto my answer above to yourself.  Where you in a part of England that got hit by the storm, or part that wasn&#039;t?  As I understand it not all of England was affected.

    Anyway, I don&#039;t think it&#039;s very funny making light of this situaiton.  I&#039;m sure a lot of people have had their properties damaged or flooded.


    Small minds.


  3. I would put absolutely nothing past that Muppet.

  4. Gordon Brown really does dislike the English, eh?

  5. I knew it would only be a matter of time before someone blamed the earthquake and the weather on the PM.

  6. wait till the gales hit tonight

    devastation across the south west and the home counties

    in Scotland it will just make the wind turbines revolve a bit faster to produce more revenue

    minging campbell  has been on beans and tennents again

    (I&#039;m no a jock by the way, despite avatar name, I&#039;m no a ginger cat either)

  7. LOL..

    Yes he has a friend called Ming.

  8. Have you ever visited Scotland or Wales I think not

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