
<span title="Eggs????????????????????????????????">Eggs?????????????????????...</span>

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Do Raw or under cooked eggs make you ill?

i have heard that people like body builders eat them raw? But I thought that eggs had samonela? or at least they used to?





  1. They can but it&#039;s not certain.

  2. Generally no. There is a very, very slim possibility, but so long as your eggs are fresh I don&#039;t think it&#039;s enough to worry about. By the way, I don&#039;t think eating raw eggs is especially good for body building, I think it&#039;s just a kudos thing.

  3. Eggs do not necessarily HAVE salmonella.  It&#039;s just that some since eggs can, it is best to cook them, since cooking will kill the salmonella bacteria.  But if you were to eat raw eggs ( I have MANY times, in cookie dough) there isn&#039;t a big chance of you getting salmonella poisoning.

  4. Its certainly dangerous to eat raw eggs if you&#039;re pregnant.

  5. other foods have raw  eggs in them; mayo, eggnog,etc

  6. They still do, and both can make you very ill. You always need to make sure eggs are fully cooked.  

  7. Many recipes call for raw eggs, from carpaccio to egg nog.  Usually, you see a warning on these recipes &amp; products, saying that elderly/infants and people with compromised immune systems shouldn&#039;t consume them because of the risk of salmonella.

    Salmonella and other such diseases are largely a result of poor handling.  Remember, the egg comes out the same place the chicken poo does!  The egg is naturally coated with a bloom that protects it somewhat when the hen lays it, but that doesn&#039;t mean it&#039;s perfectly clean.  Many times when I collect eggs, there are bits of fecal matter on them.  When we eat foods containing raw egg at our house, we scrub the egg well with mild soap and rinse right before cracking it.  We also have our own chickens, so we are sure the eggs are handled in a more sanitary manner than the ones from the grocery store.

    I don&#039;t know if I&#039;d eat plain raw eggs, but if the idea is still distasteful to you, you could try using an &quot;egg product&quot; like Egg Beaters or dehydrated eggs which have been pasteurized or irradiated to eliminate salmonella.  In fact, I&#039;ve seen eggs at the grocer&#039;s around Xmas that are labeled as &quot;safer&quot; for nog because they&#039;ve been treated  in some way.

    Good luck.

  8. Not all but some can have salmonella in them. I don&#039;t know if it&#039;s dangerous to eat raw eggs or not, but i bet it wont taste very good.

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