
<span title="Endometriosis..................?">Endometriosis...............</span>

by  |  earlier

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My hubby and I have been ttc for about a year and I had a laparoscopy yesterday and have been diagnosed as having endometriosis. Apparently it's only affecting my right ovary. I was wondering where do we go from here?? My consultant just said that he would speak with us in clinic in 3 weeks time but obviously I have loads of questions! I know you can conceive so it would be nice to hear some success stories. I'm also on Clomid and have just finished my second cycle.

Thanks, I feel quite low at the moment x




  1. my cousin and my sister in-law both have severe endemetriosis and my cousin just had a baby and my sister-in-law is due in a couple of months and convieved pretty quickly

    so even thought it may put the chances of concieving down a little bit for some women it is still very possible

  2. Awe you poor baby. I&#039;m so sorry to hear that. I&#039;ve had endometrosis for the past 9 years. Please dont worry though.  Last year i got married in July and in March of this year we decided we would try for a baby.  I finished my bc that month so basically from April we&#039;ve been actively trying.  And in July this year i got my bfp!! I was over the moon. Unfortunately last week i had a miscarriage but apparently had nothing to do with endo.  My doctor even said that as we had only been trying 4 months that i was obviously very fertile.  Dont let it take over your mind, put it to the back and do the same with the whole ttc thing. July was the first month i stopped tracking my bbt, cm and moods and stuff and thats the month we got pregnant. Please dont be disheartned by your news, it doesnt mean you will never concieve. It might just take a little longer but you&#039;ll get there. Keep the chin up! Lots of babydust aimed right at you

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