
<span title="Environmentalists--something">Environmentalists--someth...</span> to think about?

by Guest57607  |  earlier

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Here are a couple of things I was wondering about:

Howcome you'd like to keep wild animals from extintion, but dont mind if domestic cats, dogs, or people become extinct?

You would like to "save the whales" and save the trees, but have no problem with the killing of unborn babies?




  1. Environmentalists do not as a group approve of abortion. The question of course will never come to a vote among environmentalists. We do not vote on things like that.

    There is no truth in your assertion that environmentalists do not concern themselves about extinction of domestic animals or people. SOME environmentalists fear that we will not be able to survive as a species without major population reduction. Some would prefer to have population reduction rather than a population collapse. We do observe that population collapse does occur when populations rise too high to be supported.

    And there are many environmentalists who doubt that we can sustain even our own current population. Carrying a very large population of dogs and cats that consume close to half as much food as humans do appears to many to be risky, again the risk being that we may not be able to support that large population. But concern for excessive population is not the same as eagerness for extinction.

    Saving trees is always seen as necessary for the health of animal species, not a hippie slogan. But even that may be less important than ensuring that the trees and all plants on land get enough water.

    Environmentalists in general are not lop-sided in favor of wild animals, whales and trees, so much as lop sided in favor of wanting to preserve a balance among all life forms that will allow all of us and them to survive.

  2. Hey Jack; tumbleweed asked some very good questions and you did your best.  Your method is so typical of all liberals; assertions and name calling.  But when that&#039;s all ya got, well - - - - that&#039;s all ya got..  Good job.  

  3. Let me get this straight.  In your mind, everyone who cares about the environment also hates people, cats, dogs and babies.  That&#039;s a little out there even for Rush Limbaugh.  How would you like it if people assumed that just because you don&#039;t care about the environment, you&#039;re also a greedy, dishonest, unethical, war-mongering, fear-mongering fascist who hates freedom and the Constitution?  I&#039;m not saying I&#039;d make those assumptions, but that&#039;s the &quot;typical Republican&quot;, isn&#039;t it?  It&#039;s not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?  A person doesn&#039;t have to be a liberal extremist hippie to care about the environment.  All it takes is a conscience.

    As for what environmentalists actually DO stand for, I couldn&#039;t put it better than donfletcheryh already did.  We don&#039;t want to wipe anything out; we just think it&#039;s important to preserve a healthy balance, for the good of ALL living things.

  4. You forgot to call them &quot;environmentalist wack-o&#039;s&quot;  Isn&#039;t that what you guru Rush calls them?

    You seem to be willing to jump into a fight before you know anything about the matter.  

    Or is it the case where you say &quot;I know all I need to know&quot; because that would be so sad.

  5. The difference is that cats, dogs, and humans are in no danger of extinction. As a matter of fact, they are approaching pest status. Besides, spaying and neutering are recommended only for selected individuals, not the ones we want to breed from.

    The world is overpopulated because there are people who claim to be educated but can&#039;t learn to use effective birth control properly or don&#039;t want to. I have made mistakes in my life. However, I use pencils with a point on one end and an eraser on the other. When I make a mistake with one end, I correct it with the other.

    As far as teachers go, they must all have has nervous breakdowns. Class sizes of 10 or fewer are pretty rare in the cities and suburbs.

    I will agree with you on one thing. Children should not have s*x until they know enough to do it safely.

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