
<span title="Ferret's??????????????????!!!!!?">Ferret's?????????????????...</span>

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do Ferret's bite???? are they friendly how much are they to buy




  1. When they&#039;re young they nip quite a bit.  Kinda like a puppy will until they learn not to.  If someone has a ferret that nibbles the best way to &quot;break the habit&quot; is to buy some bitter apple spray and put it on your hands.  They hate the taste and will learn quickly not to bite.

    I broke mine from the habit in about 3 days.  He&#039;s 3 years old now and the sweetest little guy.  Loves to give you kisses (no biting)

  2. OH! I like this question! I have a ferret and She sometimes bites. When Ferreys bite, they basically nibble unless you really irk them Most of the time they are just playing. You can buy Ferrets anywhere form $50.00-$200.00 and their pretty friendly and good-natured! I hope I was able to help!

  3. Ferrets can bite. Anything with teeth can. They nip when they are kits (babies) and usually grow out of it. If not properly trained, however, some ferrets bite into adulthood. But if you train it properly there are no worries. They are friendly and usually get along with people and other animals well. Ferrets cost somewhere between $75-$150, depending on where you live, where you buy them, etc.

  4. Not all ferrets bite, you can train them. They are abit costly, because you gotta get a cage, food, toys, bedding , vet,ect. Do your homework on ferrets before you decide to buy.

  5. heck no! ferrets r awsome. if your planning on getting one do it, but try getting one from a shelter because those ferrets are normally nicer, and the ferrets at the pet store bite sometimes, but honestly my ferrets r the best pets ive ever had.

      from pet stores ferrets are normally 150$  and probably another 200$  for the cage and for everything else will cost about 50$ so if your going to get a ferret its going to cost about 400$+ a ferret shelter will probable be cheaper though.i couldnt really tell you were to find a ferret shelter because i dont know were you live, but you could always try looking on the internet

  6. Of course they bite. Anything with teeth bites. As for friendliness, like any animal a good home and loving owner can mold the best personalities but some ferrets are just nicer than others(like humans) The females tend to be more aggressive and independant (although my first and favorite ferret was a girl and she was sweet as pie. The vet told me she was rare) Males are usually more laid back. Problem with getting them from a pet store is, stores keep them in large groups. Once in a large group they can&#039;t really be kept alone after that. Buying one may cause that singled out ferret to suffer from depression (again,theres always exceptions). You want to atleast keep them in a pair (two is more fun anyway). Breeders don&#039;t have that problem so much cause they sell them young enough for them to adjust. They will cost you anywhere from 150.00 to 400.00 bucks.

    PLEASE! If you buy one and decide you don&#039;t want it anymore(like so many do) give him/her to either a veteran ferret lover or to a &quot;ferret farm&quot;. They are rescue homes for these guys. Research it, u&#039;ll find them.

    Not everyone is a ferret person.

  7. yes they bite alot draw blood most the time and are not very cheep 1 of my mates got 1 not long ago i think he payed about $150 for his

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