well,here the speed of internet is so low, so I can't watch any video/interview etc. on youtube, or anywhere else.
So I just wanted to know if there's any new Frerard stuff or not.
I guess the last Frerard stuffs were last year, before Gerard got married and then, Frankie.[and both got wiser ;) ]
I wanted to know when was the last Frerad stuff, I'm very happy they stopped it, cuz it could be more s**y and they could've gotten into a real homosexual behaviors, and for criticizer, it would be more controversial
please haters don't answer me, cuz I'll ignore ya (I know you answer.)
BTW, I still don't have TBPID! , but I'm gonna recieve it from my dear friend, I ask you, if there's any Frerard stuff in this DVD or not.....
I know prolly there's not any ....but I wanna be reassured for my mum watches it with me too.
thanks alot.