
<span title="Friends?????????????????????????????">Friends??????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok...i called my friend because i wanted to talk to her because i was mad my my cousin..she said she would call me back..when they did..there were doing this stupid prank call bull...they did it once and i texted nicely can you stop?? im not in the mood..but they kept on and on! so i got annoyed and i texted her cuzing and stuff...then she got all mad at me...i said later i was sorry and stuff and shes said she dosent accept it

but the thing is..when ever she gets mad at me she puts it out on me...

and i also heard that she was talking **** about me...

like i only like anime because of her...false i liked anime since it came out..she also says that im to preppy to like rock..i like alternative..and just this whole nosence

do i stop talking to her all together?? but she is my really close friend

what would you do???

should i really stay her friend after talking **** about me??

if i shouldn't how do i unattach myself from her???




  1. I would talk to her about it. just be like &quot;hey ______ im really getting upset with you... because blah blah blah&quot;

    iv been in a similar situation, if shes talking **** about you. then maybe shes not really your friend? if ur not really that good of friends with her then u should probably stop hanging out with her :\ because i bet u dont deserve this from a really close friend,

    hope i helped xoxo

  2. talk to herr...

    tell her why you swore, becuz u were in a very bad mood and you were sorry.

    tell her that you like anime not becuz of her, but the reasons why you like it.

    anybody can like any type of music that they want to, mabe shes just finding something to p**s you off about.

    if you are really good friends with her, you could work this out.  

  3. tell her everything u told me and c what happens

  4. She doesn&#039;t sound like a good friend at all. She&#039;s talking badly about you behind your back and she clearly was not there for you when you needed her help. You shouldn&#039;t be sorry for flipping out, you had every reason to. You asked them to stop politely and it&#039;s not your fault that they just didn&#039;t listen to you the first time. It was nice of you to apologize for flipping out but if she doesn&#039;t accept the apology, then whatever because she&#039;s really the one who should apologize. You wanted to talk to her about something that was bothering you and instead of listening she decided to annoy you even more. She truly doesn&#039;t seem worth the time and effort, just drop her. Start ignoring her and see how she feels about that.

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