
<span title="Fvourites......................???">Fvourites...................</span>

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what is your fave food from either :-


Star bucks

Mc Donlads

and why??




  1. when you say favorite, its something that you really like most, maybe because of the taste, or nutritional value or you just like it.

    Greggs - i haven&#039;t been there

    Star Bucks - i think they specialize in coffe

    mcdonalds - is a restaurant - i like french fries, but the nutritional value is bad, really...

    and i notice that foods that are made to be deliciopus are really bad for the health...

    if you wanna live long and enjoy life, free from diseases, settle to not delicious foods, free from too much salt, sugar, and not cooked with oils.

  2. Greggs - i don&#039;t think they have it in Canada, eh?

    Starbucks - COFFEE!!!

    McDonalds - nothing really because I always go to bed with something simalar to stomach cancer after i eat there.

  3. Greggs: Never heard of it

    Star bucks: Yeah :) their Choc Iced Mocha Frap

    McDonalds: Their fries :) sundaes and the Iced Coffee the best

  4. Greggs -  Never heard of that place. We don&#039;t have one in Kansas

    Starbucks - Mocha Frappucino!

    McDonalds - Quarter Pounder with fries

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