
<span title="Ghost????????????????????????????????help">Ghost????????????????????...</span> me!!?

by  |  earlier

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my mom says that she can see ghost,i have always wanted to too,and now i start hearing breathing and having strange dreams i dont watch any scarey shows or movies what is going on help me




  1. I KNOW WHAT TO DO. take exactly 5 candles, and place them around you in the shape of a star. There may be NO distractions. start chanting this:

    hoy rot fatan fot bern spirits goho kirah.

    chant this five times. the spirits should vanish from your home immediatly. These are the words of a phsycic. find me on my website for further help:

    I have an office in Vancouver, Canada if you would like to see me personally.


  2. I don't think that you and your mom are seeing ghosts. If you are christian, then you will believe me when I say that whatever you are hearing are your guardian angels. Actually, I my self have had some "strange encounters". I said allowed "Please Stop. I know you are tryig to protect me, but I am scared." and everything stopped. Pray to Jesus. He is there to help you.

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