
<span title="HEELP...ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HEELP...ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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school starts in 3 days and i can not!go to sleepe...usually i faall asleep around 3am...but i need to go to bed at 9......i need to wake up at 5:00am but i ususally wake up at...12-1...noonish area...i am 12 years old..but i going to sleep....what can i do to hgep fall asleep?




  1. This used to happen to me at the end of summer breaks also..

    Tonight stay up all night and sleep really early the next night.. It will be hard but it works very well. You&#039;ll sleep at the right time.

    Good luck kiddo :)

  2. It&#039;s just a matter of changing your schedule. It&#039;s easy to get into the habit of staying up late and sleeping until noon when you&#039;re out of school. In the future, I&#039;d stop doing that if I were you. The older you get, the more difficult it will be to change any habit. Try doing something physical after school to release whatever stress and tension you aquired from the day. This might help you feel unwound enough to fall asleep a little easier. Try setting a small goal of getting to bed 15-20 minutes earlier each night, if you&#039;re still having trouble.  

  3. This happened to me too lol

    Thankfully I&#039;m back on schedule.

    What I did was, increase my activity during the day.

    Wear yourself out, so by the time its 9 pm you&#039;ll be pooped.

    Do anything, exercise, clean, chores, etc.

    Don&#039;t stop moving!!!

    Other ways to help you sleep better include: taking a warm shower before bed, eating something sweet with milk, make sure you sleep in a dark, cool area.

    If none of this works and you&#039;re still tossing and turning, get up do something for about an hour, and then try going back to sleep it&#039;ll be a lot easier.

    Good luck!

  4. Stop sleeping to noon and start going to bed at 9pm and setting your alarm for 5am just as your schedule will be.  Even if the first couple of nights, you lay in bed and can&#039;t go to sleep, still get up at 5am.  By 9pm the next night, you will be ready to go to sleep!

    You might try reading if you have trouble going to sleep.  It usually helps.  Also, do not eat after 7pm as food in your stomach may keep you awake also.  Try a little chamomile tea in the evening and a warm bath using lavendar scented bath wash/soap which also helps relax.  Natural Melatonin supplements may also help you get yourself in a better sleep pattern.  

  5. You should increase you activity during the day to get yourself good and tired so you can fall asleep earlier.  Stop activity, tv, computer - about 30 minutes to an hour before bed so you can unwind.  If you start now, you will have a new sleep schedule before school starts.  

  6. Eat a banana and drink a glass of hot cocoa or take a warm bath right before bed.. then crawl into bed with a really booring book - it will put you to sleep quickly

  7. omg...this is the same thing that is happening to me....i have no idea on what to do i am thirteen. were u traveling alot to different places because that could totally mess up ur bed time thats what happened to me.

  8. Right before u go to bed drink like a glass of warm milk, it sounds dumb but it relaxes u, then when u get to bed, relax all of ur muscles and breath in through ur nose and out through ur mouth.  

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