
<span title="HELP....HELP....Guys.....NEED">HELP....HELP....Guys........</span> advise? GIRLS U 2 N'THING WOOD HELP?

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Ok, here is the deal...met this girl out of state 3 years ago off of a single date site..we hit it off when we first met online..ok, well we exchanged pictures and after a few months of us talking and texting everyday all thru the day we decided to meet...ok, well I paid for her to fly out and she did, she very nice looking lady but there were some variations in her pictures..except a few..but still I wasnt expecting the weight me an *** hole if you will but I was taken aback by how she was alot bigger than I am use to going out with or even thinking of marrying....ok, so we hit it off and when she left I stopped all contact with her...about a month went by and I was missing her like crazy...great personality and very pretty face and hair. just not into big girls..sorry not...hate me i guess but im just not..and I told her that too...ok, so we start talking again, and about 8 months later I paid for her to come and see me...well again she hadnt lost any weight and I thought she would had being I told her why I stopped talking to her..but there is just something about the 2nd time she came out she stayed 2 whole weeks...we had a blast....great person to hang with very smart has a great job...she is everything I want in a package deal but the weight just gets to me..ok she leaves...we continue talking and I again tell her I have a problem with big girls....well as time goes by it doesnt even cross my mind..I love talking to her and I do miss her when we arent talking....oh by the way I am 46 and she is 38, both of us has children and we have both been married we are on to the 3rd time I flew her out again a year later....and she still hadnt lost any weight...but when she is here I LOVE her to death, but as soon as she leaves my buddies and my friends all have comments about her,most love her to death also, but there are a few that have things I dont want to hear...well after a while that plays on your mind..keep hearing it over and over...ok she stays the 3rd time 2 weeks...last summer....ok, she leaves and when she left...I again felt different about her and told her its her weight....well we continue talking, now mind you we are very very good friends and get along very well and she is very nice looking...just a little over we are 6 months in after the 3rd visit and I fly her out last Christmas and she stayed 2 more weeks with me..had a blast but the same thing her here, I love her to pieces and we have a great time,,and she is awesome in the sack tooo...she leaves and the same buddies come up and start saying for most they really like her and my family loves her to this past summer she flew back out for a month end of June thru the middle of July...........WOW, that really hit home...I flew her youngest out tooo he is 9, oh and my kids love her, my daughter is 22 and my son is 15...they love her just like she loves them too and her and my son got really really thru all this she has been real faithful to me and I have cheated I guess if you call it cheating,,,on her about 10 times. she knew it and i know it hurt her..cant help it, im a guy. they meant nothing but she does. So I keep calling and we keep talking when she left this last time I just cant seem to let go of the weight issue..and what my buddies say about her the ones that do say negitive things. What do I do...I have avoided all contact with her in the last 3 weeks but she hasnt called me neither I miss her. I am so confused? I really know deep down inside I do love her. I have been married 3 times and divorced. But she is different..What? What is it about her? What do I do?

Oh yeah she sent me an email a few weeks back after I did the "I'll call you back and didn't and basically broke it off which I didn't care but I really do deep down inside. I guess I was hoping her weight would change and that would make all the difference in the world. I dont know. HELP!!!! Thanks, Lance




  1. Talk about fricken run on sentence! Um, well, you&#039;re a shallow manwhore. That&#039;s all I have to say.

  2. Big girls scare the bejesus out of me too so don&#039;t feel bad. She does sound really nice and it sounds like you both get along really well. If you like her tell your friends to shut the h**l up and give things a chance. The big question is would you cheat on her if she lived with you? I don&#039;t know if you both agreed to not see anyone else or not but if you didn&#039;t it wasn&#039;t cheating. If your life is a better place to be when she&#039;s in it then being her into it for good and then maybe you could help her to loose a pound or two.  

  3. I fyou loved her you would not have cheated once, much less several times.  Make all the excuses you want but that&#039;s not right and you know it.

    You need to either accept her as she is or leave her alone.  Sounds like weight is far more important to you than who she really is inside.  Do her a favor and let her find someone who can appreciate her as she is, right this minute.

  4. Okay hold on here lets see you met a woman who is pretty(but a little heavy), good job, great personality, you have fun with her(in more ways than one), your family loves her to death but you have a couple friends who are being jerks about things. Who cares about what they say? I wouldn&#039;t. If you are happy with her and you two have been kicking it off well then maybe you outta put aside your requirements for a woman and make a change in your woman requirements. I will tell ya big girls will treat you good.They are women who need love just like the skinny girls do. Forget the weight issue and move on with her, you never know she could be the one and you not realizing it. Just think if you were the one who was a little bit on the heavy side and a woman kept telling you about your weight everytime she saw you...

    As long as you two are happy and are working out I would care what anyone else thinks. It&#039;s your life not theirs.

  5. My head hurts! Didn&#039;t you learn about paragraphs at school?

    The tiny bit I read would suggest Singles and Dating....

  6. My advice is take an English class. I read about 1/3 and couldn&#039;t go on. And don&#039;t lead people on if you don&#039;t accept their body the way it is.

  7. Its sad that you allow your friends to have an opinion at your age. Guess what? She is happy the way she is. Its bad form to expect someone to change their appearance to please someone else. Apparently, if she is &quot;good in the sack&quot; her weight didn&#039;t bother you much then, so why should it bother you out in public? If you&#039;ve been married 3 times, obviously you need to change not the other way around. Why not try telling anyone that has something negative to say to kiss your big toe.  You insult the woman and she still speaks to should get down on bended knee and beg for forgiveness. Most women would have told you to kiss off the first time you mentioned her weight. If she makes you happy what difference does it make what anyone else thinks?

  8. I think its kind of simple. You love her on the inside, but there isn&#039;t a physical attraction. When she is away you are only connecting on the computer/phone which in purely intellectually and emotionally. Then when you see her there is the whole physical attraction issue. There will be a lot of people who will tell you are shallow and small minded, but the fact is we all have things we are attracted to and you can&#039;t control it. Chemistry and attraction are a huge part of a relationship. However, you have been rather cruel to her with the stringing her along. She has come out to visit you several times and every time you have no problem having s*x with her but then you blow her off. You&#039;re not 18 you&#039;re 46. You should know better than to treat someone like that. If she wanted to lose weight for you she would have by now. She should be loved for who she is and you&#039;re being cruel. Leave her alone and let her find someone who adores her and treats her kindly.  

  9. If u really want a girlfriend go out and find fat women at mc.donalds!



    YOUR A STUPID k**b

  11. Up until I read the part about cheating on her about 10 times, I kind of understood where you were coming from. She obviously made the right choice by breaking it off with you. Once a lying cheating b*****d, always a lying cheating b*****d. Oh yeah, what&#039;s this about being married 3 times?? Maybe you should try being g*y because I don&#039;t think you respect or appreciate women very much.

  12. What a complete ar*****e you are. I hope this woman wakes up and never sees you again. 10 time you cheated....because you are a man ! Don&#039;t think so mate ! I feel really sorry for her

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