
<span title="HELP..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HELP..........!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest58069  |  earlier

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Is it bad to be going into 8th grade and not have had my first kiss yet.




  1. no it is not and don&#039;t let any one tell you other wise

    I&#039;m a freshman and i haven&#039;t had my first kiss yet either but when the time is right ill get it AND SO WILL YOU so don&#039;t let anyone tell you that it is bad that you haven&#039;t had your first kiss yet or the are going to have to talk with me : )


  2. Nah... You are just getting started :D

  3. not at all you should be proud of that wait until you find the one you truly love hope that helps

  4. What&#039;s the rush ???

    Wait for a guy you really REALLY look up to and admire and start off with some simple conversation. Special moments DESERVE special people.  Crate memories that you enjoy looking back on....not ones you forget tomorrow.

    R E L A X........ya got p l e n ty of time.

  5. no its not and you just relax its great that you hae not been like a tramp as some girls do the whole works right away and get pg and then they are stuck for life. you just take your time and i fyou want you can wait longer. its just what you want and when you do when you love someone you will knwo its for the best.

  6. no.

  7. are u serious?

    i was 16 and i have regretted that day since it happend.

    i wish i would have waited for someone special and not been in such a hurry to get it.


  8. you dont have to have your first kiss before 8th grade. theres know rule

  9. no thats not bad. It&#039;s not about the timing it&#039;s just about the moment.  

  10. Oh my goodness you are NOT going to be the only one.  

    Don&#039;t think another thing about it.  When it happens it will, don&#039;t push it.  

    Everyone will be to worried about themselves than to be thinking ummm I wonder if _______ has kissed someone.

  11. noo cuz i also didnt have m first kiss till the summer after 8th grade, but theirs no time limit or anything... =]

  12. Noooo, there is no rule that you have to have your first kiss before 8th grade. If you rush your first kiss, its going to be horrible. Let it happen on its own.


  13. Let it flow and come to u on its own and dont rush it!!!!!!!!!!!! and dont be nervous when the time comes :)

  14. No.  Stay away from the opposite s*x until you finish college.

  15.   No way!  You are too young to get exposure to a herpes virus.  The dude has to be worth having a cold sore for a moment of passion or you will carry unwanted DNA for the rest of your life!

  16. Over rated concern, no worries. It will happen when it happens. Actually, now that I think about it, I don&#039;t believe I got my first kiss till the 8th grade..... and I&#039;m not an ogre! LOL.

  17. Nope! Dontt worry!!

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