
<span title="HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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my daughter is 10 years old and she is watching s*x videos and she did not tell me i figured out. and she does not want to tell me what should i do?




  1. wow 10 years old well take them away

  2. You need to teach her some lesson! A 10 year old girl watching p**n should definitely not be tolerated. Talk to her about it and don&#039;t let her get access to it!

  3. she&#039;s seen too much already

    just be honest with her and let her know you know.

    find out if she has questions and answer them honestly.

    sorry...but that&#039;s the best advice i can give you.

  4. She&#039;s probably just curious about s*x. Just tell her the basics and explain that watching those types of videos is a grown-up activity and not for young people.

  5. wow 10 years old yu better take them away or else she ganna be a lil w***e when she grows up lol

  6. keep it simple.get and keep the videos way out of her reach from here on. she HAS seen too much already. But here is your chance to do a really cool daddy thing.

    &quot;Have a dialogue with your daughter about s*x.&quot; start it now its easier to talk to her and tell her to be safe when she&#039;s a teen and she might listen because she knows she can talk to you; maybe with punishment but  definitely with out judgment.

    With that being said you have to tell her, you know what she has done. don&#039;t go crazy dad on her;  just sit her down and talk to her, she might not know exactly what she was staring at but if she wont fess up she knows it can&#039;t be good.. she has to want to tell you. how you do that is up to you as her dad.

  7. Wow for one no more Tv time alone for her in the matter none at all talk to her explain that what she seen is well a more grown up thing.

  8. Mmm,therapy?

    She could be

    sexually active at

    a young age.

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