
<span title="HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Ok i have flat feet and i was wondering if i buy some inserts for shoes and cut off the arch support part and tape it to my foot/sock would my foot adjust to it and get an arch??? Or at lest improve what i got.Because i cannot be medically flat footed and be a Infantry Marine and being a Marine has been my dream for years now.





  1. i agree with profy too

  2. google walkfit orthothics..they will work in any shoe, they have a web site..I have need to tape something to your foot or sock.good luck.

  3. I had fallen arches when I was a kid and would get horrible leg cramps at night. I lived in a small town so my Dad took me to the local shoe store and the owner put rubber &#039;cookies&#039; in my sneakers. The &#039;cookies&#039; were a half circle that were thin around the edges and got thicker towards the middle. It only took about 3 months to get my arches back and I&#039;ve never had that problem again.

    Maybe you should check at a place like Foot Locker to see if they have something similar.

  4. Honey flat feet are flat feet. it is how they are made. unless you thing you can invent a way to change all of the bones in your feet you will always have flat feet. I am sorry

  5. Mate. See a specialist about Orthopedic shoes. Dont try to invent your own as this can lead to further damage.

    Are you sure the Marines wont let you join? Perhaps you should talk to a career advisor before you head off on this tangent with the shoe thing.

  6. There is a reason the Marines do not accept flat footed people for infantry! Besides, don&#039;t you think that they will give you a physical prior to shipping you off to basic? Well, they do! If your flat feet have not been discovered by the time you make it to the physical, it will be then!

    If there were some easy fix for flat feet, it would not be an issue for them to accept or deny those who have it, because it could be easily corrected! However it isn&#039;t, so you can&#039;t. Sorry. :-(

    Perhaps you could consider enlistment in any of the other three services, the Air Force has exceptional career training opportunity!

    Or you could just join the marines as planned and either get booted out long before you make it to basic or end up behind some desk processing papers instead of pounding the ground!

    They MAY make special shoes for people with flat feet, but they DO NOT correct the condition, they just help manage it!

  7. I was also a recruiter and yes it is a DQ thing to have flat feet. But I spent 20 yrs in and made it to retirement. I went in in 19751995. I told them i was going to be a truck driver so maybe they just over look it. I also have 50% lose in hear have had it all my life. I had leaned in school not so much on how to beat the test but did never the less. Each time I came up for re up I had to take a hearing test and it never change much. Even after I got hearing aids(twice) mind you. Provided that all your other thing&#039;s are still in order you could do other things in the Corps. Yes your heart might be set on a ground pounder or a projectile interceptor. try for the desk job, be it a pay clerk, or one who types orders to working in the com center. Try for the MP&#039;s talk to the recruiter and see what other thing you can go for.  

  8. There is really no way to cure flat feet other than surgery. What you suggest is only a temporary fix, because eventually your feet will flatten the shoe inserts and you&#039;ll be in the same situation. You need to see a doctor to repair this, and you will have to accept the fact that you cannot be infantry; perhaps there is another of the Marines that you can join. You shouldn&#039;t be trying to do all the intense training and such with this condition, you could end up hurting yourself, and if that happens, you will likely be discharged no only for injury, but for lying to the US military about preexisting medical conditions.

  9. I agree with prof icy :D

    sorry , im not good at this :(

  10. I&#039;ve heard that feet adjust to the width of your shoe, so why shouldn&#039;t your arch adjust, too? I say there&#039;s no point in not trying!

    Oh and congrats on wanting to be a Marine!  

  11. they make special shoes for ppl with feet like yours just look around  

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