
<span title="Harvard,Princeton,stanford,Yale,Jhon">Harvard,Princeton,stanfor...</span> hopkins,Brown...uni.

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ok so has anyone gone to this colleges or uni..or still is....i want you to tell me wat your SAT scores were and if it all depends on SAT and TOFFEL( not all but at least does it matter more than your high school grades??)....

Thanx in




  1. here&#039;s my answer from a similar question:

    the ivy leagues are looking for not only the *CREAM-of-the-cream* of the crop academically, but also those students who are well-developed all around. straight As and a sport will not impress them. you need to be a veritable renaissance [woman]! do not be concerned about what HS you go to. they&#039;re more looking for what opportunities you take advantage of at the HS you *do* attend. honestly, don&#039;t take up an instrument just to get into princeton; don&#039;t take ballet just to get into harvard. the IVs are looking for a genuine person, too; someone who will positively contribute to society as well as succeed long after graduation.

    don&#039;t put all your hopes and dreams into *only* an IV school. it&#039;s a great goal to have but if you obsess over it for 4+ years and you*don&#039;t* get in, what then? do your best and apply to the schools you&#039;re interested in, visit the campuses when you can and ride out the admission process. don&#039;t let it consume you. i&#039;ve seen it happen and it&#039;s not pretty. just be yourself and do your best. remember, an IV degree is nice on the wall, but it&#039;s only one *part* of who you are.

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