
<span title="HeLp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">HeLp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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My brother ate the last glazed donut! Please help me! PLEaSE! WHat else do I have to live for?!?!?!!!! Please help me!!!! WHAT DO I DO!??!?!




  1. Hey,

    I just wanted to say that I was really sooooo pleased that you are not a person asking &quot;How many calories are in a glazed donut&quot;!

    Hmmm, I don&#039;t really knw what to suggest: Have you got time to go to the store to buy some more?

    Maybe you could try making some yourself? It&#039;ll be great to try and make them from scratch!

    Ask you brother to get some more immediately?

    Try an alternative or something new you haven&#039;t tried before?

    Anyway, I&#039;m glad you&#039;re enjoying your donuts! Keep it up! All those calorie questions annoy me so much!

  2. this is a pointless question please do not post things like this again thank you

    just think every time you post a question another question gets pushed of the board


  3. take a knife , kill your brother and take your donut back

  4. I am not sure where you live, but if you are near Boston, MA , there are over 100 Dunkin Donuts in that area.  Maybe just go to the grocery store to get your fix.  

  5. robber a donut shop! Quick!

  6. Some people really need help. Don&#039;t be rediculous.

  7. I&#039;m having cereal. Why don&#039;t you have cereal? It&#039;s good.

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