
<span title="Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my dad just said he got really hot and his body got all pinkish redish

what can it be????

I am alone with him at home

what to do??




  1. get off yahoo answers.

    honey, tell him he needs to go to the doctor or something. idk

    just make sure he is responding to you.

    and make sure you calm down.

  2. try calling the doctor or.

    go to google and search.

    simthtem checker and it will tell you if its is serious and what it is

  3. it only takes a second!

  4. Ask him what to do.  If he is speaking to you, talk to him and ask him.  If he is not responding, call 911.  This is not the place to ask for help if there is any kind of medical emergency.

  5. do you think were doctors?

  6. call 911 asap!

  7. How does he feel?  Does he have other symptoms?  There are lots of benign reasons this could happen, but  they could also alert to serious ones.  Most obvious:  He&#039;s hot and overheated.  Cool him down fast.  A cool bath would help, and water if he is dehydrated.  Is he dizzy or nauseous?  What was he doing right before this happened?

    Is he responsive to you, or groggy.  If he is not acting normally after you cool him down,  I would call an ambulance.  It could be a stroke, an allergic reaction, a heart attack, insect bite or a number of other things that might or might not indicate an emergency.....better safe than sorry.  Hope this helps.



    Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Treatment

    Self-Care at Home

    Home care is appropriate for mild forms of heat exhaustion. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and an ambulance should be called immediately.

    For mild cases of heat exhaustion

    Rest in a cool shaded area.

    Give cool fluids such as water or sports drinks (that will replace the salt that has been lost). Salty snacks are appropriate as tolerated.

    Loosen or remove clothing.

    Do not use an alcohol rub.

    Do not give any beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.

    Heat stroke (do not attempt to treat a case of heat stroke at home, but you can help while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.)

    Call 911 immediately

    Move the person to a cooler environment, or place him or her in a cool bath of water (as long as he or she is conscious and can be attended continuously).

    Alternatively, moisten the skin with lukewarm water and use a fan to blow cool air across the skin.

    Give cool beverages by mouth only if the person has a normal mental state and can tolerate it.

    Medical Treatment

    The treatment is directed at cooling the patient in a controlled fashion while making sure that the patient stays hydrated and that their blood flow is normal.

    Treatment of heat exhaustion

    Because heat exhaustion generally develops gradually, a person will often be dehydrated. Usually they may be given something to drink, and a cool sport beverage (with 6% or less glucose) should be used. IV fluid may be used if the person does not tolerate oral replacement (if he or she cannot keep anything down).

    The patient should stay in a cool environment and avoid strenuous activity for several days.

    Treatment of heat stroke

    Treatment is aimed at reducing the patient&#039;s core temperature to normal as quickly as possible.

    The doctor may use immersion, evaporative, or invasive cooling techniques.

    In the evaporative technique, cold or ice packs may be placed in the armpits or groin. The skin is kept moist with cool fluid, and fans are directed to blow across the body.

    An IV will be started and fluids are given rapidly.

    The patient&#039;s urine output will be monitored.

    Treatment will continue until the patient&#039;s body core temperature is 101.3-102.2°F (38.5-39°C) and then stopped to keep from making the patient too cold.

    The patient most likely be admitted to the hospital for further blood tests and observation.

  9. heat stroke. call 911.

  10. heat stroke. call 911

  11. stroke? I DONO call 911

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