
<span title="Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest60755  |  earlier

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on my computer there's paint right,were you get to draw an save on the computer,well,i saw on you tube that the people drew a stick man and made it come to life and run around the screen,how do i do that,i really want to know.




  1. Go to windows movie maker and make an animation.

  2. they used another program called flash (formerly macromedia, now owned by adobe).  they took a screenshot of paint running on a computer and then added the animation to it (using flash).  you can take lots of classes or pick up a book on how to do flash, but there are lots of tutorials online as well.

  3. animation shop.....this is the name of the programme,it allows u to gather many pictures in differnt positions (one after one ) to make sth look like it moves.

  4. Not possible with paint, it has no graphical properties to it, and no animation settings. It was a trick on youtube

  5. my brother does this all of the time and he said that flash is the best to use.  supposedly, it&#039;s fairly easy to do.  the &quot;movies&quot; are about 15 seconds shouldn&#039;t be to hard.  he has no problems at all and 0he&#039;s not really that computer literate.

  6. You can use a program called Pivot Stickfigure. It is specially for making stickfigure animations, and it is very very easy to use it. Try it out from here:

    Try it out. You will like it.

    Hope this helps.

  7. there animaters or u use this program but forgot what callled oops

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