
<span title="Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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OK so I went to disney land (lake of fun) but the probem is i took the ride on splash mountain and we took a photo they didnt show it so and we cant buy the photo do you have any Idea about any site that we could see photo from I dont know our photo number so please tell me any site!





  1. There is No site for you to retrieve your photo that is not there.

    Even if you were to call/email/visit disneyland without the photo number you are without luck. It would take too much time after how many hundreds of photos per day to go back and maybe find it. Sorry I hope you didn&#039;t pay for it.

  2. Hmmm, try the Disneyland website, they might have something to help you from there.

    Other than that, I&#039;m not sure if Disney puts the pictures on the internet for buyers likeyourself. You might have to wait until the next time you go there! ;)

  3. If the photo was unavailable at the ride there is no way for you to retrieve it...Sorry.

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