
<span title="Help????????????????????????????">Help?????????????????????...</span>

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Im going to make my communion (not really religous) im not having a party but going out to dinner with relatives. Do you get money for making your communion cause my freinds got money and im worried i wont get money cause i need it for the summer. Please Help?? PS I know making your commuinion is not about money




  1. Your friends probably had a party and received money gifts.  The only way anyone is going to know, is if you send invitations, but no party--better find a job!!

  2. I seriously agree with all these other people. Dont expect something like this to &quot;give&quot; you money. Thats so wrong.

    Get a job, really. And your making your communion but your not really religous? Then why are you doing it?

  3. OK first I&#039;ll say that I caught that you&#039;re aware that Communion is not about money, but that is not the point. When you receive a gift from someone, you ought to be gracious no matter what it is. I think it&#039;s unbelievably rude to &quot;request&quot; any specific type of gift. If you get a key chain you should behave as if it&#039;s the most lovely gift you&#039;ve ever sounds like you need to get some type of job...mow lawns or something.

  4. I&#039;d say your chances are 50/50...some people may give you a card with money...or a gift card...and then again, some may give you religious/spiritual items since making your communion is typically a very important step in religious upbringing. Good luck!

  5. get a job instead of expecting world to pay your way

  6. It just depends - it is not a guaranteed thing to receive money for by any means - they might get you a small gift or might give you nothing at all.  They may see the fact that they are spending time with you as gift enough.  If you need money then get a job...

  7. Your right a Communion isn&#039;t about the money.....even though I got 250 dollars for mine!!.......but I&#039;m 11 years old so if Your older than 25 years old then you are more likely to get presents.

    ~Good Luck~

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