
<span title="Helpppp!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Helpppp!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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i want to try out for poms in highschool

but i'm not phisically fit at all i can't do pull ups or push ups and i run a 10-11 minute mile i'm an ok dancer but i'm not the best at learning rutines (sp.) i want to

show my mom that i can do a sport and stick to it

it looks fun

and i can put it on my college application

i have a step climber at home but it seams a little to easy like i don't break a sweat and i think i might have some weights not sure but my moms not buying me anything


i'm 5'2 115 lbs i think i'm kinda chubby mostly fat no muscle definition

i'm thinking of waking up tomorrow before my sister and going for a bike ride or a jog my sisters 5 and she won't let me do anything without taking her so idk

i have like 11 months




  1. looks like a good idea

  2. 1] do aerobic exercise for 30 minutes six days a week - walk, run, bike, swim, dance.

    2] Three days a week, do 3 sets each of 10 pushups [ start with girl ones ], situps, obliques, and crunches. As you get stronger, you will be avble to do reg pushups, and pullups.

    3] Alternate three days - weights - use water bottles, or canned foods to build arm muscles up.

    4] get plenty of sleep

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