
<span title="Hhhhhhhheeeeeeeellllllllpppppppp!!!!!!!!?">Hhhhhhhheeeeeeeellllllllp...</span>

by  |  earlier

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on sky it says i need to change the batterys in a keyboard it doesnt mean a computer type keyboard and its not the romote either help before the singal goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




  1. change the batteries... its kinda hard to understand ur question because ur saying it in a panicking way!!! explain ur question. rushing ur question makes ur confused...

  2. You can get a cordless keyboard for a sky tv receiver.

    I am guessing that you don&#039;t have the keyboard but the sky box thinks you have but isn&#039;t getting a signal so assumes the batteries are flat.

    Using your normal remote look through the setup menu&#039;s there should be an option somewhere to disable the keyboard support.

    I don&#039;t have sky, someone who does could maybe give you more precise  instructions.

  3. If you&#039;ve got a keyboard thing for your Sky box, then change the batteries in it, if you haven&#039;t got one then.. don&#039;t? I don&#039;t fully understand your question.

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