
<span title="Higschool?????????????????????????????">Higschool????????????????...</span>

by Guest59382  |  earlier

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I gotta get some shots 4 highschool, do they hurt?




  1. i&#039;m gonna be honest, and say they do a little bit. it just feels like a pinch though, so as long as you don&#039;t think about it you&#039;ll be fine! =]

  2. idk if im much help because i hate shots! so they all sting to me!....its just the fear that builds up b4 the this one mom told me i was gonna get a very painful shot right...i was 17! and silent tears were rolling down my cheecks...i was so scared that i didnt even notice when the nurse gave me the shot....lmao

    so ull be fine

    xXGood LuckXx

  3. like they always say &quot;here comes a little pinch&quot;

    it will only hurt if you let yourself get really worked up and worried about them.

  4. i just got mine a few weeks ago, just listen to me, &quot;expect that they&#039;re going to hurt a lot&quot; that way when you get them you&#039;ll say wow, i blew that way out of porportion, &quot;works for me everytime&quot;

  5. Do you like shots? If not,then yes it will hurt.

  6. they barely do hurt.

  7. Um. It&#039;s just like any other shot. It doesn&#039;t hurt. lol

  8. yeah they hurt but i think that you will live through them

  9. Nope, just don&#039;t contract your muscles while the needles  entering.

    Relax and it&#039;ll be alright.


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