
<span title="Http://">Http://</span> does not work anymore. Is there a way I can get my 'classic' homepage back??

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This worked last week - now message says: page could not be found




  1. It seems the consensus... the new format SUX! Yahoo! received tons of feedback saying as much but like the new yahoo! mail it was decided that if you shove it down their throats they will swallow. SWome users have decided to spit it back &amp; sell stock &amp; cancell their accounts. Hopefully we&#039;ll see the switch back link reactivated but I won&#039;t hold my breath.

    Yahoo!&#039;s press release stated it believed this new version allows for:

    -Custom-designed modules with more of great content from select publishers (such as New York Times, People, Wall Street Journal, etc.)

    -New and improved Yahoo! modules, including Top Picks from Your Page, Flickr, Note to Self, To Do List, Movie Showtimes, Scoreboard, Stock Portfolios, TV Listings, Calendar, Yahoo! Buzz, etc.

    -New modules that provide access to third-party services (i.e., Netflix, Gmail, POP mail, Facebook)

    -New header with easier customization tools for adding content and choosing options, as well as tabbed browsing for multiple pages

    -More control, with additional page layout options, a less intrusive advertising approach, and easy drag-and-drop functionality

    ...basically nothing users asked for. But Yahoo! believes the new version will &quot;deliver open, industry-leading platforms that attract the most publishers and developers.&quot;

    UGH I HATE IT!!!!

  2. i agree- it sucks and i hate that they&#039;ve taken the option away. i&#039;ll be finding a new homepage as well

  3. I don&#039;t need this hassle - some self-serving eggheads think everyone else &#039;needs&#039; all this c**p - sell your stock, I guess Ill give google&#039;s homepage a try - I hope the yahoo schmucks enjoy their &#039;new&#039; coke

  4. if you want to contact them  go to

    We appreciate your feedback.

    Your feedback helps us improve the quality of My Yahoo!. We do review all submissions, though we cannot respond due to volume

  5. I&#039;m having this same problem.  WTF??!?  I want my &#039;classic&#039; homepage back.

  6. yahoo is simply uncooperative. all you can do is hit them where they live; maybe they&#039;ll get the idea.

    here is a place where you can get a hosts file replacement and painless installer which will prevent the download and appearance of yahoo (and many others&#039;) advertising:

    please tell your friends, and help many newbies.

    in the end, i honestly hope that yahoo comes to it&#039;s senses, but in lieu of that, i suppose that it should be more humane to hasten their consumption by microsoft. . .

  7. The &#039;classic&#039; pages have all been removed, and the &#039;new&#039; pages don&#039;t seem to be working for anyone.  I must say, I&#039;m a bit jealous of the people complaining their fonts are too small - on my &#039;new&#039; page, it seems like everything is size 48 font.  The content is all over the place, not just in the &#039;module&#039; boxes, and most of it is actually on top of something else.  This isn&#039;t much of a problem though, since it is pretty much illegible anyway, and all of the links are &#039;javascript(void)&#039; leading only to the top of the page.  

    After 10 years of Yahoo, I&#039;m being forced to leave.  As sad as it is, my only advice to you is to leave as well.  Yahoo has stopped caring about us, we have no choice but to stop caring in return.

  8. I think yahoo did away with the old version today.  Really annoying.  All the switch back links have been removed, and even if you type in the switch back URL it doesn&#039;t work anymore.  

    I don&#039;t like the new page.  The performance of the page is very sluggish - when I type in the search window nothing happens for 3 - 5 seconds.

    I also don&#039;t like the formatting.   My stock quotes take up much more space on the page than they used to.

    This is a sad day, I&#039;ve been using my yahoo for 8 or 9 years now... I guess I&#039;ll see what google has to offer...

  9. I&#039;m having the same problem.

    I&#039;m glad you asked the question before me cause I was going crazy trying to navigate the Yahoo help pages to find the &#039;switch back&#039; help page.  And, unfortunately, it seems I now have my answer.

    I absolutely can NOT stand the new and &#039;improved&#039; BS page format.  

    I am now looking for an alternative home page.

  10. You don&#039;t. This is from their website....and I think it really stinks!! How &#039;bout you?

    Retiring the Original My Yahoo!

    In addition, we want to let you know that on July 14th we will be retiring the original My Yahoo! and moving everyone into the new version. At that point, access to the original My Yahoo! will no longer be enabled. The new version of My Yahoo! was built for you and similar to our recent advertising change, we will remain committed to improving the product based on your feedback.

    If you haven’t had time to explore the new My Yahoo! yet, we invite you to check out these tips we created to help get you started and make this transition as easy as possible for people who are accustomed to the original My Yahoo!.

    Enjoy the new space!


    - My Yahoo! Marketing

  11. I&#039;m having the same issue, it looks like it has forced you to the new version.  This is not a good thing!!

  12. I think that&#039;s the situation.  The Yahoo Lords have decided, &quot;You WILL have the new Yahoo, no matter what you want!&quot;  Sell your stock.

  13. All I can say is the new version isn&#039;t any good, I want my old version back, If I can&#039;t get it back I will be looking for a new home page, You hear this Yahoo, This new page is for the birds.

  14. absolutely sucks.

    they screwed up the TV listings also.

    after 10 years of My Yahoo as my homepage, I quit!!!!

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