
<span title="Mother-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Mother-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Okay i dont know what the h**l to do right now....My soon to be hubby is in afghanistan , we are getting married in 2 weeks when he comes home for r&r. Anyways, he wants to transfer all his paperwork to my house. meaning checks, if something happens to come to me, etc. So anywyas, his mother is on disability., she gets disability checks everymonth. his father is in a band ( a 60 year old man smoking pot and in a band, go figure.,) They use all their money on things that they want and not need, And now because his mother was the beneficiary to his bank account she is spending his money as well. and he pays her rent...... and they do NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! So he told her he is gonna transfer the money to me and she had a heart attack, she calls me up crying asking me if it was my idea to make him do this and that she does not think that it is right for him to be helping us instead of paying her rent.. hello we are gonna be married in like 2 weeks and we have a child. She thought that he was going to pay the rent for her forever. How the h**l can he afford to pay our rent , pay for the cars, his child etc and her **** when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves, they need t o stop going on ebay, i swear she has a whole room full of ebay **** that she does nothing with!!!!!!!... she feels that she has to approve everything that he does, and if she does not think that he should be giving us money, she tells me. And she blames me for him making the decision to marry me, move in with me, etc..

I CANT DEAL WITH THIS WITH HER!!!!! ITS TOO MUCH>>> i am an adult and i should not have to answer to his mother about the decisions that we are making as a couple, And almost as husband and wife....

I need advice,, im not trying to be mean about the whole thing, but how could you rely 100 percent on your child to pay your way through life... you cant..

i hope that was clear enough, sorry im thinking of a million things and trying to type at the same time




  1. I&#039;ve been through the same thing.  When we were first married, we would get monthly calls from him mother wanting money.  I didn&#039;t say anything at first, and then I put my foot down.  You let her know that you are the MRS!!  If your husband has a hard time standing up to his mother, don&#039;t make him.  Just tell him that his response to his mom should be that you control the money, so she needs to ask you.  Once I instituted that rule, she stopped asking because she knew the answer would be NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!

  2. It seems like you have your own advice - so use it.

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