
<span title="NetWorks.......................Ok">NetWorks....................</span> im going to my friends house.........?

by  |  earlier

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and she has a blocked network she dosnt know that question is: Either how can I get the password with scrueing the puter up or How can I get on her network..........i need it to be free sooooo yeah..




  1. Have her ask someone who does. What you want to do is illegal but can be done. And no I won&#039;t tell you how because A. it&#039;s illegal and B. it&#039;s complicated and requires advanced computer knowledge

    O well if your a cop then you can just ask your computer crime department to help you out.... please just use her computer or my guess your probably trying to piggy back off a neighbors secured wireless network and i do have a name btw

    Well you could always set up an internet connective sharing so you could get internet through her computer. Still don&#039;t see why nobody in that house knows the password to get onto the network

  2. You could try Bruiting or Cracking, but of course both are illegal. Why not just use her &quot;puter&quot; or are you really trying to piggyback someones wireless, If you don&#039;t even know how to get past a password I would strongly advise you didn&#039;t try piggybacking especially if you were using her Internet to spoof your IP.

  3. I don&#039;t think the Windows Wireless Network Connection will let you see the password.  Some other 3rd party software might.

    If no one at her house knows the password to the WiFi network, you can download the manual for the wireless access point.  It will have instructions for how to reset the password (usually a reset button on the device).  She can then set the new password on both her computer and yours.

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