
<span title="Okay.......................................?">Okay........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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.....Somehow this question offended somebody (I can't see how, but it's silly), but anyway...

....I, as a 21 year old am told to stay on her level with ppl MY AGE?

I like to converse with older people (like 30s, 40s, 50s, even 60s...), is that a crime??? >

It's like some older people want me to stay with my own level, but sometimes I feel I can't relate to most ppl my age...only a few...

So is that fair?




  1. They just don&#039;t want to s*x in front of you, what is wrong with that especially when your related.  

  2. Well...Of course it&#039;s not a crime to converse with people older than you. A lot of the time, people older than you will have interesting things to talk about from more life experiences. I&#039;m like that too where I like to hang out with older people because they are more mature and interesting than my friends who are the same age as me. The reason you feel like you can&#039;t relate with people your own age is because you just haven&#039;t hung out with enough people your age! My advice to you is: just get out there. Meet more people your own age, build your social network with these people, considering they will most likely have friends who are their age as well, but don&#039;t forget your older friends as you make more new friends.

  3. no its not a crime and obviously not fair..

  4. No,not at all....

  5. It sounds like it might have been inappropriate for you to be there with an older uncle in a group discussing s*x.  s*x between relatives is never okay and if you stayed, it would&#039;ve looked as though you were a bit too comfortable in a situation you shouldn&#039;t be comfortable in.  It would&#039;ve been a totally different situation if it were a group of unrelated adults.

  6. so parents still do that even once you&#039;re past teen years?im not sure what you could do i think you should tell your mum you think you are mature and should not be excluded out of adult conversations bcoz u are adult too anyway.

  7. as in every aspect, there are two sides of a picture, there are good things as well as bad two, it is your choice to choose anyone.

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