
<span title="PdA???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????">PdA??????????????????????...</span>

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Can you please tell me what you can do on a PDA.

Where can you get a PDA.

Does a PDA include text messaging.

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  1. a PDA is like having a laptop and a phone all in one, it&#039;s a cell phone so you would get it from any store that sells cell phones, yes it includes text messages along with many many other features and they can be pretty pricey, at least $200 - $600.

  2. a pda is used mainly ny peoplw who have their own bizness or have alot of on the move stuff they have to do at work like if you are on a plane ging somewhere for work and an important client sends you an email you can check that stuff via your pda. You can do just about anything on a pda they are basically small computer and phone put into one. You can get a PDA at any cell phone store it is just a high end cell phone. PDAs do do texting so you are ok there to be honest  you sound young and you probaly dont need a pda just a  phone if you dont know what it does yet then learn first remember gotta crawl before you walk  They usually run ne where from 200 to 600 bucks

  3. PDA&#039;s are very useful devices.  They can serve many purposes.  For example, i use mine for music, movies, gps, extra monitor for my computer, printing, general data storage and more.  Prices vary from 200 ish to possibly 900ish.

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