
<span title="Pilots/Instructors...................................?">Pilots/Instructors..........</span>

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My 14 year old son is very interested in getting his Pilots he too young to begin now..if he is, how old does he need to be? If not, can you give me a heads up on GOOD Pilot Instruction Schools in Central California and on the Big Island of Hawaii...How long does it take to be Instrument Qualified and Licensed?





  1. For power airplanes in the US ... 16 is the minimum age to solo, but he can take lessons at any time.  If you&#039;re ok with gliders, he can solo in those at 14.  I soloed in a Cessna 150 when I was 16 and got my private certificate on my 17th birthday (minimum age for private).  It was a big deal for me ... and I&#039;m sure it will be for your son too ....

    Flight Instructor --- 22 yrs ...

  2. As far as the Big Island goes, check out Island Hoppers:

    They offer training. I have rented aircraft from them and they know flying conditions around the island. Just be aware that aircraft rental in the islands runs about 25% more than on the mainland, just like everything else.

    There are a number of good schools in CA where I am located. If you want to email me and tell me whereabouts you are located, I can assist you in finding some training close to your home.

    Start him with his private certificate first before being concerned about the Instrument Rating. As was mentioned, he can&#039;t get his certificate until he is 17 anyway.

    Minimum number of training hours for a private is 40, most people take 60-70 and another 40 for instrument. He can certainly study now, read books, and as mentioned start his lessons. Basic private training will take about 6 months; you can go faster or slower depending upon your schedule and pocketbook.

    Costs based upon today&#039;s dollars (and not in Hawaii) would be $6000-7000. That would include basic flight instruction, ground school (either attending a course or home study on DVD), a flight physical, written exam costs, and check ride for the private pilot&#039;s certificate.

    Also look at:

  3. He may have to aquire a drivers license first before he can start flying. (not sure on that part though).  Here in Arizona I was seeing about having flying lessons myself. :-)  I love airplanes!  I checked with the Falcon Field Air Field out here and it would have cost me about $2500 to start on a two engine Cessna.  In Hawaii, check out the small air strips out there, or even the Airport and inquire about flying lessons for your son. They can give you more details, or direct you on where to go.  That would be awesome for your son! He starts early, and then by the time he&#039;s in his mid 20s or late 20s, he could be a Commercial Pilot!!!  I&#039;ve always wanted to do that. But then it was costly, and I couldn&#039;t afford to go. It&#039;s hard if you don&#039;t go to College right out of high school. And it&#039;s hard when you don&#039;t get but average grades and can&#039;t qualify for grants.  I got a student loan once through BofA, but didn&#039;t get to finish because I moved (dumb move too ha), and I never got back in it. (dummy me).  

    There was this one fella who worked with me at the hospital that got his pilot license and he invited me to fly out to El Paso for dinner one evening.  (I&#039;m from Roswell New Mexico).  That was so much fun! He let me take off the runway too! What a THRILL and a RUSH that was!  Felt like I was the one who had wings! Ding dong guy though flew us over a &quot;No fly Zone&quot;. Thank God no F-16&#039;s were out practicing or they would have come up on us and escorted us the heck out of their territory!  It was an Air Force Zone that he flew us in. Ugh..what a ding dong he was. I even had to look for the Air Strip when we came upon El Paso because he couldn&#039;t find it, and the instrument that has the numbers on it to dial into the ground tower wasn&#039;t working. Thank goodness they located us on the scanner (forgot what they called it), and helped guide us to them.  We ate dinner, and had that part of the plane fixed (it was a rental...a Piper Warrior Cessna), and we flew back home. NEVER again did I go up with him. He was a sloppy pilot and didn&#039;t pay attention well at all. If a passenger who does not have a pilots license has to tell the pilot where the landing strip is...there&#039;s something wrong. LOL  Anyway, I did have fun taking off the runway!!! What a RUSH!

    Tell your son for me to GO FOR IT!  And don&#039;t give up!

    PS: How long it takes to get your license will all depend on how many hours he aquires and how hard he studies. You have to get certain amount of hours in before you get your license. Then you can start a career by hauling frieght, and then when you earn so many hours in that (and it&#039;s a lot), you can start carrying passengers. I believe this is how it goes. If I remember correctly.  :-)

  4. --No minimum age for flight instruction.

    Driver license not required.

    Visit local airports and inquire about instruction.

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