
<span title="QUESTION...................?">QUESTION....................</span>

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike it normal....for a girl to get clumps of blood when she is on her period?????




  1. yup, completely normal :)

  2. Yep it is just parts of the lining in your uterus. Normal!

  3. yes. it completely normal. i get them after i have been sleeping or sitting for a long period of time (no pun intended)

  4. It is normal to have some clumps in the blood but if you have it all the time or if that is all it is go see a doctor or ask your mom.  Maybe it is something in the family.  I&#039;m not a very open person with anybody about things, but something like that you should always be able to talk to your mother about.  But yes it is normal!

  5. OMG u have nothing to worry about every girl (women) goes through it about every month its called growing up don&#039;t be afaid you are not alone remember that !!! xox xx xox

  6. Yeah, nasty isn&#039;t it. I thought something was wrong with me too.

  7. omg, yes! it&#039;s totally fine!!!!! i ALWAYS  get them! don&#039;t worry bout it. but sometimes, it could be bad. u should talk 2 ur mom and have her take u 2 the doctor if it lasts more than 4 or 5 months.i did.

  8. yeahh they are called blood clots.. its totally normal dont worry a bit.

  9. yes, quite normal :]

  10. Yep lol, it is abit of clottyness, dead cells, lining etc pleasent isnt it?

  11. yeah that&#039;s totally normal that sometimes happens to me


  12. yeah, those are just blood clots

  13. yeah it&#039;s normal

    and people think it&#039;s blood clots

    it isn&#039;t

    it&#039;s actually parts of your uterus wall that come off because new parts are always being made

  14. yup.  it can come out in globs, especially after you&#039;re been sitting for a while

  15. Yes this is very normal.  It&#039;s sometimes disgusting but its just the way our body is getting rid of what it doesnt need. Now if you are very heavily bleeding with clotting i might go to the doctor just to check up and make sure nothings wrong.

  16. yep

  17. Yeah totally man dont worry.

  18. After sitting for long periods of time, this happens often... It is uncomfortable, but completely normal...

  19. Yep perfectly normal, sometimes the blood clots and comes out as dark red (sometimes black) clumps.

  20. Yes it is. I normally have blot clots on my 1 and 2 day

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